INDIVIDUEL WORKSHOP 4 eftermiddags workshops. Stress af! Lær at håndtere stress og bekymringer, genfind dig selv, og genskab indre stabilitet: en holistisk kombination af “Clearing and Healing, Mindfulness og Magi, og Spirit food”, (inkl. en svedehytte). Yderligere beskrivelse på vej…


Om at genfinde dine unikke kilder til din spirituelle næring. Om dine indre og ydre ressourcer i forskellige former i både den helt almindelige, og i den ualmindelige virkelighed (hvis du har kontakt med den). Om at genkende det vigtigste Read More…

  Mini workshop   COME BACK TO EARTH AND TO YOURSELF. Come home! UNPLUG AND RECONNECT NOW.   An authentic, original and new  journey into awareness, and an adventure. Shamanic and channeled instructions, serious and safe work, with a smile, Read More…

Til dig som arbejder (eller gerne vil arbejde) med healing. Kærne principper i alt seriøst healing, ceremoni og rituelt arbejde, forberedelse og udførelse: renselse og påkaldelse, de “store principper”, “nul stilling”, “unconditional love and compassion”, rammen, intention og indhold, samtale, Read More…

Retræte: indre ro og fordybelse, en “anden virkeligheds” dag. Vi “skræller af”, og vi bliver ved med det. Om at genfinde din indre Fred, Accept og Harmoni. Vi kommer til at arbejde med flere stille metoder, inkluderet nogle former for koncentration, Read More…

Vi forbereder os til det nye år, via reflektion og fordybelse: få et indblik i dit Liv på alle planer, og skab nyt. Kender du til den shamanistiske rejse, vil vi også bruge den metode: ellers sharing circle og counselling, Read More…

  Calling the Vision Quest for a workshop is a little strange, but otherwise the ones who do not know this “Sacred adventure” will maybe never find it , so… The Quest is a very important TRANSFORMATION PROCESS (or RITE Read More…

Introduction to the shamanic journey (through drums, rattle) to the other Reality, and the three dimensions (Underworld, Upperworld and Middleworld), to get Healing, Knowledge, Power and Wisdom: this will give you the possibility to work on your own on one Read More…

It is Spring! About Transformation: who/where are you now? where do you want to move from here? About looking at ourselves, at our structures, at our patterns, at our lies. About clearing and making room for change. About reconstructing and Read More…

  GOOD AUTUMN! CHANGE of dates IN OCTOBER and NOVEMBER   WELCOME INTO OUR CIRCLE! WE ARE READY TO SHARE WITH YOU THIS MOMENT OF PEACE AND BEAUTY!   We have grown through corona time, and  we move forward: why? Read More…

Introduction to shamanism core and basic concepts, ethics and practice: cleansing, “earth connection”, light trance techniques, explanation (and “calling”) connection with the Earth and other Planes, creation of ceremonial space, use and meaning of shamanic instruments (drum, rattle, feather, smudging, Read More…

Mini workshop, a ceremonial day. Elements from different workshops are combined in a fantastic meaningful wholeness. About your Power sources, and about the ones you have around you, about finding them and learning to “use” them. About expressing, and listening Read More…