


(Full text further down the page) – go to full text

Autumn equinox 2015


Words and actions

The gift og clairvoyance

Those thick Grasses

Sheep mentality not an option

Summer Solstice 2015




Trying to play God?

Why work with shamanism?

Inspiration for Beltane 2015

Another catastrophe (Nepal)

Autina miss cat

Let me

Crying Sister

Each day

Spring Equinox 2015


Mind decisions and the Waves

Success or failure?

The Tiger and the Lion

In the Desert


Winter Solstice 2014

Grandfather Fire

The gift of the Dark times

About “psychic attacks”


Meeting with the little Tree

Moon caress

US what?

Autumn Equinox 2014

Vaste Fields

Clean windows?

Happiness and greed

Once I maybe said….



Summer solstice inspiration

“Reality bubbles”

“Bad Plants”

To all my…


Spring equinox 2014

Touch me

Little Bird said



We All



Winter solstice 2013

The Step

From my “Tales of Light and Dark”

The Fly in the house

What then?

Another Friend died 27/10

Autumn equinox 2013

A Laugh in the Sweatlodge

Summer solstice

Nino is gone



Breathe in…


Our Fears, Doubts and Deaths

Power of ceremony


Spring Equinox 2013

Being a trash container

Different Life expressions

I am so rich

a Perfect Day

… and may I always remember

Winter Solstice 2012

Young boys and girls

Small old lady

Halloween 2012

Empty Space

Fall Equinox 2012

When you are lost

Old Lady on the bus

Summer Rain

Summer Solstice 2012

Bread and Time

Silence, Innocent People, Nature and White Mountains (best of Nepal)

Back from Nepal april 2012

Before the journey

Close to Point Zero

These moments

What to do?

Winter Solstice

The gift of the Hermit

Fall Equinox 2011


Summer Solstice



Spring Equinox


Be an Island

Turn each other’s Eyes on

Winter Solstice (picture)

Winter solstice 2010

My Life

Fall equinox 2010

Summer solstice 10

Other Deaths in Spring

Spring equinox 10

A crise

I am

Winter morning


Winter solstice 09

Autumn equinox 09


Small Beings

Spring Equinox 09

I am

Spring coming

Sommer solstice 09

Autumn equinox 08

Winter solstice 08



the Balanced cross, a symbol

Healing Prayer

Simple inspiration 1

Simple inspiration 2

Spring equinox 08

Letters from Mexico 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.


Summer solstice 07


The power of Friendship

Winter solstice 07

Autumn Equinox



Full Text

Autumn Equinox 2015

Who are we, where are we at this point in time? Autumn (around here) speaks of Rains and Winds, of collecting our Fruits, of looking at our Tresures, and of the starting of Change, or Decay. Autumn speaks of Transformation, of Release.

Autumn speaks of the beginning of the Leaves to fall, of the Wet Grasses bending, of the rotten Beings giving Earth its Food back, and of the future Nourishment radiating from what we have gathered.

As we contemplate Nature around us, and the unique Balance of Time between Life and Death, Light and Dark, we may reflect upon what we allow  to give ourselves and our Relations.

What/who are we nourishing? What/who could we let go? What/who could we forgive and/or pray for? Are we open for Transformation, are we willing to release the obstacles/challenges/patterns/things/People that do not serve our Life purpose any longer? Are we “humble enough” to “finally” connect to Love and Trust?

It is Reflection time…time to honour, to let go, and to reconnect to the Inner self, time for planning and supporting a “better future” for ourselves and the Earth.  Have a good celebration!


At the time of harvest, many fruits go bad, many fruits are good. Perfection resides both in the rotten fruits, and in the healthy ones. Both have a function and a purpose, and both contain Beauty in their own ways. We just “need” to remember to reflect on it.

Words and actions

Beautiful words can be “enough” sometimes (?), but, if they are not followed by action, what are they, more than a dangerous “illusion” ?


The gift of clairvoyance

From a stranger you become a Friend…from looking into your Soul, I come to know You and care for You dear client, dear Human: your pain is my pain too, and our common Human pain: your happiness is my happiness too, and our common Human happiness…We are shining Lights striving back to Togheterness. Thank You for allowing me to see who You are, who I am, and who we Humans are.


Those thick Grasses

…suddenly spit out their pollen….right there in the wet morning, in that moment, in one of a million moments, I received the gift of experiencing it: I am deeply thankful.


Sheep mentality not an option

I do get alert when I see signs of it, in me or in the surroundings…Togheterness, accept, and sharing are very different… Don’t you feel that way?

Summer Solstice 2015

Maximum Light, highest Sun position: the gift of the South.

The sharpest Light shines and shows it all, good, silly, fresh, shining, old and dusty. Nature is blooming and at its highest, humors (and hormons) too.

Let us thank, honour, and allow the highest Light to cleanse us and shine upon our sacred Bodies, our Emotions, our Minds, and our Spirit. Let us reflect on what we see when we look inside.

Let us recharge in Beauty and Strenght by the ancient Grandfather Fire.

Let us remember Conciousness in all Living, and pray for Healing to the ones who are left behind, the suffering ones, and the ones in power, so they can get enlightened.

Celebrate together within Power, dance, journeys, Fire, Flowers, sharing of foods and drink, a little wilder than usual.

Celebrate alone by cleaning up, give away, and fully recharge, getting ready for the next period.

Have a wonderful celebration! And welcome to the new!



Changes can be scary once they appear: our base shakes, our future is unsure, the reality we knew is all of a sudden fragile, and can crack. Still, change is still and only a change, why are we so afraid of it?



Until we feel it…until we feel Friendship and Love….from anywhere… then it does not matter wheter it is real or illusion.



What are Friends, and what is Friendship? Is is a concept we invented in order to be able to live, like Love?


Trying to play God?

There was this beautiful beautiful red and black butterfly on my terrace yesterday…today she was caught in a spider net. I thought that was unjust, and freed her, but she still was entagled in the fine fine net, and that i could not remove. I put her by the water, and hoped she could wash it off, but she could not: she died a few seconds after. Was I trying to play God by trying to change its destiny?


Why work with shamanism, or why to start on the shamanic path?

I have not been asking myself such a question, since I have been there for so many years, but then a young lady on a workshop made me aware of it: she said she was looking for a “spiritual not dogmatic” path to follow, she needed “something more and different” in her life.

Yes, that was a good ground ..

There are many many reasons, all equally important, all different, like we all are luckily different, and all the same in the core: most of us are searching, the one who “has found” better be careful :), or is a master?

And then, the dogmatic “monster” came alive in my concious. The question was: was shamanism “really” not dogmatic?

Looking throughout traditional shamanic paths worldwide, (and every tradition is of course created and formed by People, working togheter with Visions and the Unseen), I am not so sure… Lots of “must do”, and much “must not do”, regulations and taboos….

I guess that the “core shamanism” (a “polished version” with very good “instruments and techniques”, I still think) I started learning from, did not feel like that, otherwise my “rebellious part” would have soon shown up.

It was a beautiful and giving adventure…coming closer to the Spirit world, and to Nature…I wished both, even I did not believe or know what Spirit was.

If we can define dogmatism as “beliefs imposed by some kind of force”, it appeared then in hidden and discrete bits, but, in my great enthusiasm, I did not see it. Or did I? Maybe I lied to myself? Or maybe the “dogmatic part” was a “necessary ingredient” for a time? Was “dogmatism” maybe a “security net” before one would “discover” by oneself?

Time passed, and many years are gone: I hear that some kinds of “dogmatism” lurk still on the scene…In my opinion, and in my way of perceiving and working with shamanism now, (and in the last many years), I came to consider one “thing” that could be “the core” both of some kinds of dogmatism, and of “discipline”, “regulations and taboos”.

It is so crystal clear you may laugh about it, and it is allowed!

I will tell you anyway, because if it was so obvious to everyone, the world may be different.

It is about the “potential reality” of the “Unknown, or the “Unseen”:  we all have been touched by it, more or less, lighter or deeper. What is it then? Your opinion. I confess I do have plenty experience, but it too big a question to answer. But…

Both in our “ordinary reality”, and once you move to “the not ordinary reality” there are plenty of things we do not know, Misteries, “things, phenomena and Beings” we have no clue about, or we know very little of. We still do not know if our world is the one inhabited one…

We do not even know the full capacity of our brain, our breath, or body yet! So, what about “further out”? The rest, other Humans, Plants, Animals, Rocks? How much do we really “for sure” know about us, and all? And about psychic phenomena? And Energy? Spirits? God? Cosmos? The list could go on….

Some claim to “know”, and to “see”. Rules and restrictions are put up, and some of us follow…

Is dogmatism maybe born out of fear? And has “discipline” the same origin?

We live at the same time in a known, and an unknown world…

I really have no definitive answer.

Some of us “believe” (or try to believe) we are One, (and so do I, but I came to “feel it” it after a long “working” time), science is now proving and showing us the same…

That leads us to CONSIDERING the EXISTENCE and the IMPORTANCE of EACH BEING, and

RESPECTING (or at least try to) EACH PIECE OF THIS GREAT UNIVERSAL PUZZLE, the known one. Regarding the Unknown, I would say we only have “small clues”, out of the experiences of Wise humans, prophets, and our own…

So… Let us discard dogmatism, and change it in “respect for Life”. Life needs no fear.

Therefore I keep on insisting in my “basic” steps, after “the clensing”, on the importance of  the “greeting and blessing Whoever is around” (Friends, Helpers, and all Unknown).

And about “discipline”, following the same line of thought: shall we discard that too?

In every path, (even the most open and free one), I think, there are few “rules”, or “steps” spoken or not, clearely present, or very hidden. Why is that?

In my young days, as I mentioned before, I could not stand discipline, or anything “stiff” that reminded even slightly about it. Through these many years of training I think I have found the reason for some essential discipline, important at least for me.

By working again and again in the same way, with the same instruments and through the same core practices, one learns to “know them” by heart, eventually “digests” them, (meaning “get free from the “weight” of the discipline” and “integrate them in our memory” as a natural thing): at this point (hopefully) one starts to ” digest them, and feel their effect from within”.

Once “fully digested”, a shift may take place… One will know “for sure” what to keep and what to discard, what is so called “right and wrong” for oneself.

And, at the same time (hopefully), once “understood and felt” the practices, one will have the power and freedom “to move deeper in” and “reconstruct” them in one’s own terms.

Did I answer the question “why to start on the shamanic path”? Only indirectly. Well:in your search, if you should love Nature and Mistery, and have some kind of call to “serve the Earth, yourself, and other Beings”, you may look into shamanism:)

My opinion is obviously only mine. I like to hear your voice, if you wish to share.


Inspiration for Beltane 2015

Half way between Spring equinox and Summer solstice is Beltane (30 april to 1 may). If you are not so lucky to be able to celebrate with others, and light bonfires as the Pagans do, here is my version of it, a potential guideline for individual meditation, that you can of course form in your own way, within your own needs and wishes.

This Energy moment is strong: take some time on your own, and prepare for your meditation. Cleans yourself.

Have specific (power) objects ready,(rattle, drum, etc for the shamanic people), decorate your Sacred Space with beautiful things symbolizing Abundance (Flowers, Pearls, Colours, the Elements,etc., what you love and represents it for you),and light a candle to represent manifestation (Fire/Light/Spirit). Contact your Spirit Helpers/Teachers/ Higher self.

Go “inside”, feel the Energy, get empty, and then recall what you worked on Spring equinox (if you did): bless again your Intentions,and all symbols of Evolution and Abundance in your Life (in health, love, spiritual growth, work, etc.).Listen to your Helpers/Teachers/Higher self advice, if there is some.

Bless your Past, your Now, and your Future, and welcome Abundance of good things in your Life. Thank.

Find a Friend in the Plant realm willing to share this moment with you (Plant indoor, Tree?), (contact it for the shamanic people), and give it a present of Water or good Earth, (encourage Growth).

Bring the Light outside, show it to Earth and to the Skies, and bless all People and all situations you know need Healing: may Abundance in good things comew to them too.
Once finished, thank all help coming, and bring the candle (Light) back in. Dismiss your Helpers.

Keep some of the symbols out for some days, so they can remind you of your thoughts, Intentions and Healing directions.
Have a nice celebration.


Another catastrophe (Nepal)

The poor Pople are suffering, and the historical places have collapsed: Mother Earth is shaking again, as so many times before… It is serious, it is now… As in other crise situations, what I do is sending money to “helping organizations”, and healing.

It may sound silly and hopeless to send healing, but wherever suffering is deep, in any civil conflict, or in this cases, healing can be sent on many levels, depending on what one can and feel like doing: both to the People left, to the sick and the dying ones, and to the ones who are already gone. Prayers also to the Mother, that she can be mild, and Love to this wonderful country, and its wonderful Humans.

And let us rememember in our prayers all other Peoples suffering too.


Autina miss cat

Autonomis had moved in a couple of years ago: she was 19, skinny, sweet, and “bloody serious”, she demanded respect, and she surely got it, no joke! It took a long time to get intimate with her, but with patience many presents of nearness came.Just before I left, Auto had three days of fasing, laying around, looking silly and powerless, at times hiding.It had happened before, but it felt different, we wondered if she was ready to go? I sent her healing, but she did not wish it. I had a strange feeling by leaving my Love to watch her in that state all by himself, it did not feel fair… I talked to her, and told her that if she was going to leave us she might as well leave us before I travelled,and she listened. I found her peacefully dead under my chair the morning I was leaving. All fitted, and she was laid outside under a beautiful freezing morning sky, waiting to be buried.We thank you for the presence and the sweet company of these years, and for all the rest. Be well in cat Paradise, if there is such one, sweet you! Nice meeting you, and sharing some Life togheter.


Let me (to Trieste)

…feel my Roots again, let me feel my Land, let me touch and smell the Earth where I was born…Let me mirror myself in the harsh landscapes, in the great views, in the dramatic falls, in the dark and wet Grottas…Rocks, Sky, Sea, and strong Winds is where I come from, and so am I.


Crying Sister

Sister cracked and Sister shaken, Sister shining and Sister crying, Sister in sorrow, Sister in pain, Sister smiling, Sister smiling, Sister smiling
Sister light, Sister lost, Sister in peace
Sister however you are
and whatever the mirror shows…yes, we all are all that….thanks


Each day

Each day is one Life


Spring Equinox 2015

Listen, look, smell, feel…Times of Miracles is upon us. From the Icy Earth, with tremendous Power, things start growing. It is Birth time, Rebirth time, Renewal and Rejuvenation time. It is Action time.

Bless your Past, your Now, and your achievements, honor yourself and celebrate your Life. Remove the doubts and dust that do not serve you any longer, by releasing them the most effective way you know.

Everything is possible anytime, we just need to remember that: this is the message of the East, of Birth and Rebirth, of Creativity, of Trust. Find and focus on new elements for your Growth, and take a three months wow in order to keep the Intention alive.

Connect to Earth, Sky, the Elements and Nature in Gratitude, and celebrate and share with Friends your new Visions.Be blessed by Spring, and good celebration!

This year we have new Moon close by, and a major Darkening: the Power of “Creation and Destruction”, symbol of perfect balance= even stronger Energy!



You live “your” Life, I live “my” Life, at times we cross…


Mind decisions and the Waves

At times, our mind dictates what to do: at times, will can become so strong that it can confuse Life’s movements. Let us stop up, then, question, and try to recognize from where Wind is blowing, and what direction the Wave of Life is taking us. Intuition is our Friend.


Success or failure?

…depends on who and from where one is looking? 🙂
A successful failure, a failed success, what has more relevance, what gives more nourishment, or more power to get up again? Does any of it do?
I guess they are just words…. Maybe we should clean up in our vocabulary…


The Tiger and the Lion

The Tiger married the Lion, and they took a dress of Humility: nothing changed, except the dress.


In the Desert

I wonder…the dying man finally found a small Waterhole…I wonder…how did the Water feel, how did it taste, was it Life? Was it enough for his Soul ? And, (I wonder) how long time did it take before he forgot all about it again?



Crystal, Clear, Cold FullMoon Night


Winter solstice

High Energy moment: Light at minimum, the missing of the Sun… Hard times for some, cave/cosy times for others. In most traditions worldwide, the most important celebration of all. Release of darkness and limitations, release of past/fears, guilt and
regred, release of psychic dust: the Rebirth of the Light, after the shortest day of the year, symbolizes the Rebirth of the Sun, of Trust, of good Dreams, of Life, of new projects and new prayers. Be quiet for introspection, use Clarity to face your and the common challenges on Earth, forgive yourself and others, let go of unnecessary bindings of all kinds. Be reborn and celebrate within yourself and/or with your closer Friends, and pray, dance, sing, and meditate on Connection, Love and Healing reappearing in our Lives and on the Planet. See you all in Spirit on that day, thank you!


Grandfather Fire

I thank You for your beauty and warmth, and the Insights you give me.


The gift of the Dark times

Deep is the power of Silence and introspection: turning back (in)to ourselves, is like observing the moist of our Breath. In these cold cold days we can see it. Observing our Dreams and finding out how to “shine them up” is part of the power of the winter, cleaning up, forgiving and praying, again and again…


About “psychic attacks”

In my experience (at least here in Europe), so called “psychic attacks” are luckily rare.
But, as anything can happen, that could happen too: the first question one may ask oneself is, in my opinion, what could be the reason for the attack.
Are we working with something “unclear”, strange energies and people, doubtful Spirit helpers, or are you involved in “risky” psychic challenges? Have you done anything to provoke this? Breaking taboos (of some cultures), playing guru, misusing power, forcing Energy? Selfreflection and recognition of one’s own responsability is in my opinion the first step. We will probably notice the “root”, or part of it, if we sincerely enquire. Then, we have Teachers in this world, and in the other one, and this maybe the moment to ask for “help” to them, and learn from their knowledge and experience in both Worlds. Those “attacks” moreover could be one own’s projection or fantasy creation: this must be checked and seriously looked upon too. The last I would mention here is the “creation of fear”, which limits own power, and distorte everything we see: being influenced by fear, we are definitevely “victims”, and “attacked”. Discard fear from your Heart by using breathing and “Earth connecting” techniques, forgive what/whoever may have created the unbalance (including yourself), trust the messages you receive from trustful “Helpers”, and most likely the issue will become bearable, or dissolve.These are my “basic suggestions”. Light to you.



Still dark, my Love is asleep, most Beings are asleep, the Wind raging outside: watching the dramatic Sky, I feel deep gratefulness for this moment of Peace, and the Flame of the candle. Beauty is all around.


Meeting with the little Tree

I was working with “how to renewal my activities”, as I met a little Tree that I never had noticed before: it inviteded me clearly to come in its sphere, but it was surrounded by many spiked Bushes. As I went in, I noticed a flat Rock to its left, perfect to sit on, and I did. It was nice in there, cosy, and protected: then the little Tree “told” me to look at its Trunk and many Branches: some of them dead, and some very living. It told me that, with the “many branches I have”, I had forgotten to show my Essence, my Trunk. That “my dead branches” had to be abandoned or cleaned off, and that there had to be made more room for People to come in, “cut some of the spikes away, just a little, so who needs to find you, will”. Good counselor:)
Moon caress

MoonLight shining on my Body, on my Brain, on my Soul


US what?

…We fill, and fill, and fill…
Not allowing ourselves the freedom of being “no-one”… Where there is room, something new can appear: where there is space, transformation can manifest.


Autumn Equinox 2014

“Truth” and “challenges” getting clearer and sharper:remembering with gratefulness the Gifts in one’s Life, the learning processes, their “results”, and even the confusion and the frustrations. Smelling, celebrating, and intaking the Fruits of one’s work and Love, and honoring the Inner self, all social and sacred Relations.
Letting go of expectations and Conciousness Veils, and examining one’s position in the Wheel of Life right now, maybe redoing one’s Dream, or searching for a different one.
Maybe looking for a new Vision, closer to the “self in the Now”… Celebrating the precious gift of Light, and enjoying it all. Looking at the Balance (or missing of Balance) of Light and Dark and what that means in ourselves.
Have a beautiful celebration.


Vaste Fields

For many years I thought Fields and flat Land were a little silly: I love Mountains, and those Fields up there, wild and full of Flowers, of Life. My opinion then changed by walking through and working spiritually on flat Land and Fields. Moving easily through vaste Space and Air are great presents and healing. And…there are many many more presents out there!


Clean windows?

Oh, I did wash all my windows, and all my mirrors, big job done. Probably no one will notice, ever, but…they may have noticed if the glass had been unclear. Clean glass is like Virtue. If it is present, maybe no one will notice it, but if it is not, many may 🙂

Happyness and greed

Once I found a roll of cotton thread, and bought it. I was happy, and looking forward to use it for the Sweatlodge: my girlfriend had bought new vey expensive boots, and she was happy, looking forward to wear them soon. Funny thing, happiness from owning objects…maybe greed?:)


Once I maybe said…

Once I maybe said the wisest thing (at all) to say:allow Transformation to happen.



Reality? what is it “really”? At any moment anything can change…



Angels you can meet, sometimes in Spirit, sometimes in this reality: then everything stops, and becomes perfectly perfect.


Summer solstice inspiration

Max Light, max Power, Ancient Sun, Ancient Fire… celebrate with full Energy and Conciousness the peak of Light, (consider all following Beauties and responsabilities): refresh yourself and your Life in all your favourite and most powerful ways, share, dance, Live! Pray for Enlighment in the Souls of Humankind, and Light to the suffering Beings.
Get ready with your next projects and dreams, give them power on this day: Blessings to You and Us all.

“Reality bubbles”

…are so many, and so seemingly different… Swimming from one to the next makes Life… Good swimming!
“Bad Plants”

Everybody having a garden knows: you clean them up, they will be back: great is indeed the Power of the “Bad Plants”…:)
To All my…

Had to bang a carpet today: instead of “to All my Relations” (used to dedicate in prayers, ceremonies and healings), I came to reflect and dedicate the “banging” to “all my Agressions” :):):)


Finally F*** Finished! My book is ready! Homes of the Holy is finished!


Spring equinox 2014

Small Lives awakening, delicate, strong, trusting: let us pray for Miracles, for Rebirth of Compassion and Trust, and for Justice and Balance in ourselves and on our Planet.


Touch me…

Touch me while you can, touch me with your Soul.
Two Souls in eternal Emptyness, two Sparkles in a fragment of Time.
(from “Tales of Light and Darkness”)


Little Bird said…

…there is room for Joy too in our Hearts.



fresh Spring Air…


Embracing ONE THING AT THE TIME … and maybe the “necessary evil” too


We All

…walk around with our Dreams: what are we looking for?



…is a mix of enjoyable and less enjoyable moments and lots of things one has to care of, and do.



Maybe they are… deaths and endings, troubles and challenges, joys and love, or … maybe we fall asleep, get bored, or … we awake and create, we hate, or… we loose it. Whatever happens, maybe if we chose to call it “experience”, we may accept it easier?


Winter solstice 2013

In the darkest moment of the Wheel of every year, the deepest Transformation accurs: from now on, until next winter Solstice, the Sun Power and Light will grow stronger and stronger. Darkness starts retreating. Like in the Ocean of our Life, a Sparkle of Sunlight, Beauty, Peace, or Change appears at some point in the darkest periods.
As a symbol, HOPE, LIGHT, SPIRIT are reborn. The winter Solstice is a very important turning point/celebration in most and very different spiritual traditions, the inner “meaning” being common.

Suggestions for meditation or ceremony: do your own practice of starting: then examine the past year, your “victories” and “less victories”. Aknowledge both, thank for experiences, and for your Life (dance, sing). Aknowledge the help and experiences you have received from Spirit, People, Teachers or other Beings, thank for that too (drum, rattle). Forgive yourself and whoever you need to, and release what you do not need anymore, in the way you feel is most right for you (cleaning up is always good).

Turn a Fire on, or just a candle. Take the Light in…
Pray or meditate for a new Vision or Guidance for the next period to manifest, or for clarity to focus on your next new “Life project”. Pray or meditate for your Inner Light, for your Beloved, for your “Enemies”, and World conciousness to grow, and for Healing of all Wounds. GOOD CELEBRATION! SWEET and POWERFUL REBIRTH!

The Step…

was built when we built the door, many years ago. A good simple Step, doing its function, good to step on, a little worn out by use. Had some red paint left to use this summer, for small “reparations” or “cosmetics”: the Step was painted red, it looks dam good, and it reminds me everyday that it does not need much to enrich and put simple Beauty in one’s Life.

From my “Tales of Light and Dark”

I am most likely going to miss the Ascension, dear World of which I do not recognize the Colours any longer, or the sense of. Relief Walking by the Waters at Night watching the Great Palaces of Civilization shine in the Dark Sky and in the Dark Waters. People dancing in Blue and Pink Lights, looking happy, I hope they are.
People sweating in the Gym getting healthy, I hope they do.
People walking still in the Dark with their Doggies, which they believe to be their Guardians and their Friends, and I hope they are. Light Breeze of an Autumn that never became Winter yet.
Oh, one Night the Lady of Ice painted and Iced Everything, one Night.
Yesterday, Fog melting with the FullMoon, and the smoke of Chiminies, so beautiful. And Sense? Must I reflect? I must feel? I must love? Feel connected?
Meditation in the Amazing MoonLight… Shine me, Touch me Love me, make me Feel…
And after the Night, walk through the Orange Foresta, cut down, still Living, this time without too much Pain.
Oh Beautiful Life oh Wonderful Life where are you hiding, where did you get lost? Oh Great Wisdom, oh Great Presence? Where are You?
And Skies are still there, and Winds are still Blowing, Green still Shining brightly, still Breathing, still Alive and well, getting Ready…

The Fly in the house.

After many days of not going there, I went to my little summerhouse, and after a while I noticed there was a slow Fly there. I learned in the past to have respect of this Creature, also because one of them had been a Spirit Helper for some years. So, I asked the Fly what it was doing there, and told it that it was going to die inside, in the cold with no food and drink….the Fly “replied” in my mind that in or outdoor it was going to die anyway sooner or later, and that we all eventually were going to. Wise Fly.


What then?

Filling our Lives with this and that, with things, thoughts, work, education, distractions, and lots more.
When the “glass of our Lives” is full, what then? Was that what we were supposed to do?


Another Friend Died, to Per Normand

I hope you were there still aware and sucked in the beauty of the last Colours of the autumn and felt the powers of the Wind yesterday as you were dying. I hope your Death felt good.
Then your Soul left….. Breathe in, and the last Breathe out for this time. Peace is with you in the new Realm. Dear Friend, thank You ’cause you have been in my Life, and see You later.

Autumn equinox 2013

Are you alone? Find some time for yourself around Sunset, or whenever you can. Clean yourself as you feel right, turn a candle on as the Sun disappears, and dedicate these moments to reflection. Reflect on all the Beauties and Gifts that you already have, and on the ones present on Earth, be thankful for all that. Remember all your Relations, from the small to the big ones, from the Visible to the invisible Ones, from the Nature’s world, to the Human world, to the Spiritual world.Take some time to meditate on where, in your opinion, balance is “off” in your Life, and on Earth: thank for that too as a manifestation of “laws” you may not understand, but still are there. Ask for Guidance to your Inner self, to Big Mistery, to Whoever you believe in, to show you any potential action of any kind you may “need” to undertake in order to “help” yourself, something or somebody else, and the Earth. Listen for possible answers. Stay in Silence and Emptyness for a while, as long as you feel is right. Breathe, sing or dance (or what you may feel right to do) to honour this precious moment of Transformation in the Wheel of the year. Tell yourself, your Relations, and the Earth about your commitment to be respected at least for the next three months. Thank All for the Guidance received today, and finish. Have a beautiful Transformation time, and thanks for doing this.
(this is just a guideline, obviously open to add with your creativity and inspiration)


A Laugh in the Sweatlodge

…is totally okay by me…it brings in Good, and Spirits like!


Summer solstice

The great Sun and the Light are at their maximum at his moment: tomorrow the Decline will start and proceed slowly to Autumn. Like everything, there is a top of Fulfillment, and Decrease will follow, so it is in all Life. On this day we celebrate the sacred marriage between Heaven and Earth, the Sun, the Light, Growth, Fertility, Fulfillment, Love and Strenght outside and inside ourselves. Connect to Mother Nature and its Green colour, connect to the Sun and the Fire, meditate with them. Give yourself a present, something you love…(it does not have to be an object!).

Personal part: Refresh yourself, your Home, give away some belongings, allow Change to enter. Take a “sensible” wow in order to better follow your own Road. Are you doing what you need to do? If not yet, this is a good Energy time to start.

Community part: Share and celebrate in Joy and with bonFire the Healing power of this moment, if possible watch the Sun go down and reappear.
Happy Solstice!


Nino is gone

From a troubled body, from a wonderful and troubled mind, from a rich and aching heart, he finally left for the Infinity Fields. I will always love you, and we shall always remain best Friends. Big Peace may now be with you forever.



… are People there for us to help you minimize the unnecessary Disturbancies
in your Life, and to remind us that we have a Teacher inside ourselves.



I am thankful for All of You Beings around, for You great Sun enlightnening me, for You Moon polishing my Soul, for You Water, You Earth, You Fire , You Air, You Spirit, Living through and in me, cleansing, nourishing, renewing and teaching me, for you Space, Sky and Spirit, Home and Mystery…


Breath in…

Life, breathe out Space…



Totally and completely…. still Shining!


Our Fears, Doubts and Deaths

If we manage to face our Changes, our Challenges, and our Transformation processes with Respect instead of submitting, retreating or hiding from them, if we manage to “bring them into the Light of objectivity”, they may reveal themselves as “Power” and “good Medicine”. Obvious?


Power of Ceremony

Becoming… One Body, one Soul, one Prayer.



Contemplation of Changes and Miracles: baby Squirrel appeared, multicoloured Tulips, flashy green Leaves…all is wonderful.


Spring Equinox 2013

Balance of Light and Dark, Balance of Life, moment of Change, moment of Creation. Understanding our Beauties and Powers, and the teachings from our Faults. Being thankful for both. Waking up to a fresh Reality with fresh Eyes. Releasing the Past. Letting go of Entanglement and Dust, and opening to new Growth and Inspiration. Blessing All. Planting the Flower of Magic and Creativity for the next period. Awareness of the Miracle we are, and Trust in our Resources, and in Great Spirit. Keep up the good Energy! Happy Equinox!

Practical (for not so spiritual people):

Have a refreshing ritual bath, and change all clothes with something happier. Clean up at home, allow Light and Air to come in, release some old things to recycle, give donations, be nice to someone you do not know or do not like, have a silent walk in Nature, give yourself quality time, observe a Flower, wave a good Dream for your Life. Enjoy the Light! Happy Equinox!


Being a trash container

…is a very important function that we need to be for some Friends and Clients sometimes: after the trash is poured in your container, and the situation finished, remember to empty it (it is NOT YOUR TRASH!) and eventually burn the trash!


Different Life expressions

A thick and ready Sprout, full of Beginnings, a dry piece of Dog shit, full of Past, isn’t Life wonderful ?


I am so rich…

I have a wonderful Body, which carries my Soul. I have feet and legs I can walk with, eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, lungs and skin to breathe…I am a walking Miracle.
I can go anywhere, I can dream anything, I can “have” anything in my mind, I can be anyone…
I am so rich! and grateful!


A Perfect Day

SnowStorm Spyralling, cold in the room: nothing special happens. Sitting with my Love, doing things, silently, in complete Peace. Everything is perfect.


… and may I always remember

the inner Sun, the Shining Light that lives in me, in everyone and in everything else.


Winter solstice 2012

Do you believe it or not, it seems, say the Wise ones, that something is going to change: let us suppose that “the change” comes and something new opens… (finally!).
For thousands years, our ancestors from all over the world have been celebrating the Sun festivities, with special focus on the winter solstice solstice, why? The shortest day of the year represents the maximum of Darkness, and like any eccess reverse itself, short time later, the Light is reborn.
The Sun Birth represents the miracle of Creation and Life on Earth, and symbolically our spiritual Radiance (our spiritual Sun) as Sons and Daughters in this amazing place and in this amazing phenomena called our Life.
Miracle Birth of Solar system, miracle Birth of Everything…

Work to do
For you “believer”: Purify (and intake) by Sun and Fire, pray for common good. Clean out what is no longer needed, forgive, finish, release. Remember your Light and your responsability as cocreator of your own Life: reclaim your Power, align with Spirit and with the Source within yourself. Allow finer Energy to come to you, pray and pray, and DO SOMETHING important for your world: we NEED much LIGHT on out Planet to make good things happen! Follow your Mission if you have one.
For you “not believer”: clean up what is no longer needed, forgive, finish, release as mauch as you can: examine your Strenghts and best parts, and focus on doing your best to make that part grow. Use quality time with yourself and the ones you love. Find something important to do for your world, and plan when and how you are going to do it. turn a candle on every day through winter to remember your Light and good Will. Good winter to us all!


Young boys and girls,

Quicksilver minds, know everything, want everything, can everything: sweet and violent, Life turning fast…

Small old lady,

red coat, pink flowers wool scarf on her head, humpback, stock and big empty bag
in her hands: sweet and gentle…


Halloween 2012

Hallo again dead Friends, Family, hallo again Ancestors, Relations and Unknown Ones. I honour Your Presence this Night, and our common Root of Beings: I honour and aknowledge through You Endings and Beginnings, Life and Death, and the Spirit Essence inside Us all: I ask Big Mistery and All Spirits and Guides to bless You all, and to help the Unrealeased Ones, in all Realms, to be released. Love and Gratitude.


Empty Space

Dusty, sweaty, tired (I am)…facing an Empty Room…potential AnyThing can manifest in there (philosophical parallel with my Mind?), and… Wonderful Eis Fullmoon outside, the perfect combination!

Fall Equinox 2012

Inhale the Golden Time, breath out Dust and Past. Rejoyce for the Now, for the “gone and over”, for what you learned and for the Future, be thankful. Brighten your Sight with the Beauty of All without judging: let go of “mistakes”, fears, broken agreements, old bonds, old Thoughts: face the moment of Balance, let the Sun, the Sky and the Earth touch you and refresh you, and welcome the growing of Darkness as Silent Time, as a precious Gift.Transformation is happening, and you are doing your best.


When you are lost

there is always Hope, at least in yourself.


Old lady on the bus…

on a very silly day, on a very silly/too quiet/cold bus: she sat with a smile, I smiled, and all changed.


Summer Rain

Sweet sweet Summer Rain…. And as it starts, Everyone smiles.


Summer Solstice 2012

Longest day, triumph of the Light, and beginning of Decline.
Connect and feel the Rythm and Cyklus of Earth and Nature, and your own. Aknowledge, be thankful and honor the Gifts of Beauty in our Life. Honor your Relations, your Power connections, your Learning process, your Inner Light.
Meditate or pray for the Power of Love and Compassion to manifest more and more in our World.
Forgive your own and other’s “misdeeds and mistakes”.
Open yourself…listen to your inner Silence, and invite the Presence of Big Mistery to touch you and express in you.
And…should you be one of the ones who do not “believe “or do not “feel the Divine”, it is totally okay, you still can work on your own! Have a good celebration!


Bread and Time

The kitchen clock is clicking, the other watch is clicking too…but Time is a strange thing, a concept, and the clicking is a song… I am looking forward to taste our freshly cooked Bread…


Silence, Innocent People, Nature and White Mountains (Nepal)

Allowing oneself to be Touched.

Back from Nepal

Lepard moves at Night, he is shy of Humans: suddenly, screaming Dogs…the Puppy is gone…Lepard and Death…One never knows when or how they will come .


Before the journey…

…there are deep reflections: travelling is living and dying at the same time. What and who to come back to, what and who do really matter? Travelling to Grow.

Close to Point Zero

Close to Point Zero, whatever it means.

These moments

Sharp Ice needles, strong Fire, perfect Now.


What to do?

Well…I am not making much money…at least I am trying to make good Energy!

Winter Solstice 2012

Shortest Day, longest Night. In the Dark, like in the Sweatlodge, the Sun, the Light are getting ready to be reborn. Change is called upon. We are, according to many traditions, at a turning point of Energy and Life on Earth. We need to honestly look inside at WHO WE ARE, WHAT WE CAN DO and WHAT WE HAVE TO DO while being here, and we have to be HONEST. Release of “old stuff” and purification are needed.Clean up your house and release what you do not need/wish any longer. Give a donation. Purify your Being and meditate. Be A GOOD FRIEND and have GOOD FRIENDS AROUND YOU in celebration.

Private part: reflect on your Beauties and your Challenges, and create a new Dream for yourself and the Earth: pray for us all and Earth to whatever God you believe in. Turn a candle/Fire on, and offer the new Dream to it, in Humility and Trust. Purify yourself. Have good Friends around you, and be a good Friend.


The Gift of the Hermit

The Hermit is silent, naked, broken and strong: cutting off the Veils of Nothing, she comes to Nothing: the Gift of the Hermit is humble and small, no Entertainment’s value. The Gift of the Hermit, once the Hermit is out, is to feel Reality close and real, sharp and clear, doubtless, unspoiled, hard and true? The gift of the Hermit is ? Praying in the Desert without pretending anyone sees it.


Fall Equinox 2011

Be blessed by the golden or grey Light, by the strong Smells, the harsh Wind, and by the slow and quiet retreating of Nature. Reflect and Release. Be blessed and bless in the day of Balance between opposites, between Worlds, between Light and Dark, all you can think of. Remember that you are beautiful and strong! And if your Fruits were not satisfying, here comes the Time to create Seeds of a new Tomorrow! Have a wonderful Equinox and Autumn.



Allowing the Touch of Past to shake me, my Birthhome Reality, to remind me the Roots, the Challenges, the Landscapes, the Chaos and the Stillness, and the Heart and Character of the People. It was superbe, all I needed then: bits of Magic and Cruel Stories, gone Memories and Affections shined up, wonderful and precious: grazie Trieste!


Summer Solstice

Honor your Past and your Ancestors, honor your Present and your Future, your Parts make you Whole. Honor the Beauty and Light on Earth after the Rain.

There are times when you do not want the World to be too near: accept and allow those times to be, no pushing: activity and rest are both important for our Living.


Spring Equinox 2011

Reflect on balance: utopia, still a symbol to strive for: where are you in the Dance of Life? Ask Spirit, Earth and Yourself to show you in which direction to be aware, and make an effort for the next three months, to better respect yourself and All our Relations.
We all are here to learn and grow.
Forgive You and all around You for unfruitful choices.
Clean your physical enviroment and your mind.
Pray for Miracles and Justice to manifest on our Planet.
Fresh Life is manifesting now, and Beauty is all over to be found.


Spring 2011

Shyly opening to the caress of the pale Sun, smelling the parfume of Trust.
Eyes and Bodies of Beings opening, soft Heat and Sweat. Growth time Now.


Be an Island of Love and Peace to Your People.

Turn each other’s Eyes on, turn your Hearts on, Smile!


Winter Solstice (picture)

Full, heavy snow on the World: shining orange Fullmoon appears, Magic is fulfilled.
Winter Solstice 2010

Shortest day, longest night…presence of Winter: let the cold touch you, let the clear icey air caress you and heal you, let it tell you about the power of the North: get lost in the beauty of Snow…in the empty fullness of Silence : it is time for Purification…thank for your Life, let go and forgive what/whoever needed, and make room for something else to come: take a little extra time for yourself JUST TO BE.
On winter solstice have a little ritual by Sunset, make a little Fire or turn a candle on, to celebrate the Sun being reborn, the coming new Light.
If you wish, create a new Dream for yourself and for the Earth, keep the energy symbol of it between your hands, by your Heart, and, when the time feels right, give it to the Flames, to Spirit, in Trust.


My Life

Me shining essence: next picture, next picture: you are a good picture too!


Fall Equinox 2010

Strong Skies, Air and Colours, Contrasts…the smell of Nature sucking the Juices back to the Roots, the smell of Change, of Transformation.
Getting ready for Dark Times, and Introspection: pray or meditate for more Balance in our World, Give in whatever way you can…
Focus on Forgiveness and Love for yourself and your Circle, ask for Guidance on your Shadows.
Fall Equinox reminds us of letting go, nothing in our Reality is permanent, so release something that stops you from being who you need to be.
Summer Solstice 2010

Turn to your Heart now, to your inner power of Love: time is ripe to release you and all from misunderstandings and misgivings, so call the Sunlight and dissolve the Dust…ask the Sun to show you…make its Shine your Shine, we are all shining, we just forget…

Other Deaths in Spring

When Death touches someone, when a dear one love dies, the left ones open, their heart in front of them, not only inside of them: we can better see them, and they can better see us, transparence: one of the gifts of Death.


Spring equinox 2010

*common part*
Send Love, support and caring energy to the Mother and all the suffering Beings (alive or dead) you remember of, and bless all the rest too.
*personal part*
In between the Ages of Change, rest up and consider: old Life and new Life, old and new values and states, again again, release the weight that does not serve your power and your beauty, your new energy, your purpose: be there fully with your Life in your hands, and trust your Heart wisdom to show you the way to You, to your New Spring Now.
Have a wonderful prayer time, and Spring time.


A crise

A crise is a chance to clean up.


Winter morning.

…..there is a Spider on my pillow… Hallo, Life!



Do you want to be at WAR or in PEACE with this Reality?


I am

I am, in this moment of Stillness, with you Mother, with you Spirit
I greet you Mother, and I greet you Spirit, and I greet myself,
let me bath in your embraces, and grow.


Winter solstice

Clear Air and cold, the blessing of Crystal Snow on the Land….Darkness on its yearly peak, Death of the old Sun, Rebirth of the new Sun of Faith and Hope, of the new Light on our Lives.

Climate Top meeting going on, demonstrations, Justice and Balance for the People and the Planet still far away…moments to observe, moments to reflect on our duties, our properties, the use we do of them, and the gift of our Lives, our old and new Dreams, our behaviour to ourselves and the others, our challenges, our strenghts and beauties…

After the time of Introspection, let us honour and allow this moment of Crystal Power to touch us, let us bless all what we can and purify our bodies in the way we know, our emotions by forgiveness, our thoughts by silence, and honour the Spirit in all its manifestations….

The revision of our Dreams is through and the Sun is being reborn…let us be enlightned and purified from our renewed Trust…the Change is created inside ourselves, and we have established the Vision of our new Life.

Autumn equinox

In the shadow forest, lied the book of Stone: one rock, cut in the very middle, and totally open: the old Deer looked from behind, with his quiet gentle and powerful presence. I received messages, but what mattered was contemplating: and I had forgotten who I was, what I was looking for, and why….everything felt so simple, obvious, clear: the only thing I could do was honouring the moment and the surroundings, and praying for whatever passed through my almost empty mind. Time went through and I went on, the Vision Voice showed the Priests of old dancing on the vaste flat field between the burial hills, and on them too. Everything was open and quiet, the Deers were singing further away…forgivness and accept and I was welcome, whoever I was, in all this, and I was ready for anything to come.
Gold, Red and Decline: in this moment of Energy it is good to root yourself to Mother Earth, keep your Sky connection opened through the top of your Head too, and consider your Past and Present, your Fruits, your Gifts and your Challenges withattention, care, acceptance: pray with thankfulness to all your Relations, your Ancestors, and forgive own and other’s misdoings and failures. Transformation will manifest soon. Trust.



Live as it was your last day today, or Live as if you would live forever.

Small Beings

everywhere..the very small seeds…at first glance they look so fragile.. when you touch them they are so strong, so full of life power…whole trees brothers begin like that…another lesson in “one can never judge from appearance”, and “size is not the most important thing” 😉

Spring equinox 2009

Shine the Light on Your Power, your Shadows, your Darkness:
look inside, without Illusions: thank for the Teachings, and call the great Power inside Yourself, your Inner Deity to help you to Create your own Path. Trust and pray. Love to You from Me, and happy Equinox!
(for further info about how and where to focus on such a day, please read the 2008 description at the bottom of Inspiration, thanks).


I am the Light inside me,

I am the Light outside me,

I am the Light beyond me.


Spring coming

Through the Winter of Souls
at times we thought we could only share darkness or die
we had packed down our gifts
and shared only Silence,
until the Springbird started singing…

Summer solstice.

Celebration of the Sun and the Light, which are on their peak, and so is all. Mother/Father Earth was green, and now some is burned out. Its hair, the Grasses and the Trees, survive, and bend at the violent caresses of the late days Wind. Screaming Light, sharp Colours.

This is the celebration of the South, of the place of the youth: the movement is growing, outgoing, expressive, active, creative, passionate, emotional. The big Light is strong, and sharp, it shows everything, it reveals our beauties and our shadows too, our power, our limits and our misdoings. We can choose to open up to ourselves and to the rest, and face whatever is there, or we can hide and fear it all.

Summer solstice is the celebration of the heart-power, and self-reflection. A moment that is good to dedicate to a honest examination of the results of our own Life in all aspects, and a moment to take extra responsability, to create new prayers, to choose the next steps, to take risks : it is a time for working on forgiveness, on compassion towards ourselves and towards others, (we all are doing the best we can!), and on trust towards Great Mistery inside and outside ourselves. Let us thank our Earth and our Brothers in all forms for all they provide to us, and our challenges for the teachings we get, let us pray for forgiveness and gentleness between all beings.

Death (to Egidij, who died on 9/9/2008)

I have no words…my Friend… Be, finally, in Deep Deep Peace, and thanks for all: we miss you, but you are still with, and Love never dies.

Death is a great Teacher: it touches, and leaves all changed, somehow, forever. Never more this Life this way, never more an embrace, before next time… It woke me up once more, and put all my illusions apart, naked Reality, naked Now, and how to handle, and who are we anywa y, and who am I, what is Greed, what is Pain, and what is Love, what is in between that I may have forgotten about,and what and how far goes anything, whatfor,and how and when is my Puppet going to go….
Intense Peace was present by Egidij, this strange Peace that comes when the Body is empty, when the Soul from above is smiling and forgiving all misunderstandings, all misdoings, all the too muchs of Human Beings…..
Silence was deep by me before, Silence is now even deeper, our Hearts are touched, and maybe a little more open than before, let us keep it this way if we can. Love to you Human Friend.



Silence is there, deep into you. Silence is there, where nothing and everything really matters.

Silence is fullness and emptiness at once, Silence is the place from where everything begins, and all ends.


Fall Equinox.

The moment coming again, a moment of balance, like a pause in the breath, after which the dark will start increasing again, and the night will conquer the day: days and nights are getting cooler, colours are changing to brown and red, and winter is slowly approaching. The fall equinox is the home of the west, of twilight and transition, of the little death, of apparent decay, of the ancestors and the elders: it is also the moment in which growth in nature seems to stop, the harvest is, or is getting stored, and preparation for rest and following renewal begins.

As rest has to come after work, we slow down and turn inside the depths of ourselves for introspection: we look within, contemplate our lives, thank and honour our Life and our helpers in whatever realm they may be, and the past. We evaluate and reflect upon our year’s achievements, new creations and challenges: we turn our minds to spiritual things, and connect to the power that comes from self-knowledge and correct self-judgement, without illusions: what more or else do we need for to accomplish the transition we are living in now? It is the time to forgive ourselves and others for the eventual misunderstandings and the missings that may have occurred, to become aware of the potential and teachings that they have given us, and, from a place of Silence, to become clearer about our own purpose, potential and possibilities, dreams and visions. and to pray for their fulfilment, We are stepping in the dark-times now, but the dark have its own beauties and gifts, let us enjoy and use them.
Take time out for self-reflection, ceremony, meditation, contemplation, and to refresh your altar and your house, clean up and get ready for a good dark increasing-time. Dark can be soft and warm!


Winter Solstice 2008

Stop, and listen: make your Body as still as the winter Night, as quiet as the falling Snow, your Soul as clean as a Crystal: stop,listen, feel,enjoy the Darkness,the short Light Days,the long Dark Nights,the rest it offers you, rest for Insight, rest for new Inspiration, rest before the Rebirth of Light: the apparent Death brings its concealed Gift inside, the seed of the new Sun, the Seed of the richer life you can plan and pray for now: watch inside yourself, recognize your values, beauties and challenges, forgive yours and other’s missings,pray for a peaceful energyfull Rebirth of Humankind and your Life, and Trust that it will come.



Heat and heat and heat, this year, marvellous, tyring, amazing, terrible…Nature suffering for not enough water…let us give an extra thought to the water we use, and maybe misuse, let us take responsability, and care for the amount of drinking water we use in our toilets, for washing up, in our gardens, it is the right time now. And let us also remember and give our Water a thought of Love, so the energy can grow aroumd us.

Look…out out out, as much as we can, out in Life, out in Heat….. Most humans blossoming, undressing, playful and full from the heat, from the final liberty of being out again, in the air.The heat opens us up our temper, our emotions, our passions, our playfulness, our sensitivity, our sensuality, our hysteria and our loneliness too, it enlarges it all.
The Sun carresses us and burns us, and the importance of Shadow becomes obvious. Let us be grateful for the Sun, the Light, and for the Shadow.

An inspiration for Sacred Space and your balance.

The balanced cross, four rays inside, one horizontal, and one vertical, (that stop as they come to the circle), is one of the ancient symbols, one of the many.
As you look at it with your mind-eye, consider what it does to you, if it does anything, if you can feel it.
It seems to show balance, a closed balance, or a space, an enclosed space, with a definition of four equal rooms: consider also the center that is created by the rays.
It is one of the basic mandalas, skeleton of the constructions of very many sacred temples in the world, and it symbolizes the ordered Cosmos, or/and the Wheel of Change within Earth (the world of Creation and Life and Death), or the relation to the Four directions (east, south, west and north, seasons, ages of man, and probably more than that).
The circle usually, because of its rotation potential, and the implicit inward and outward moving energy (creating invisible spyrals), stands for becoming, movement, transformation. By crossing the circle with four rays, four manifestations are created, equally important.
The rays can symbolize the power of creation through the Sun’s emanation on the body of our Earth’s Nature, or as said before, the sacred Directions, the Seasons with their Sun festivals, and Earth’s Beings growth process (birth, getting older, being adult, dying).
The center can symbolize Unity, the center of Creation (by the central point being the fixed origin, and the others the manifestation of becoming), the center of the World, the cosmic Seed, the Sun/Sky themselves, or even the Earth, the Deity, and Sacred Space. If you imagine the balanced cross as threedimentional, other possibilities appear.
I hope you can use it for your own reflections and meditations……Light to you, Ada.


Rest well, my Friend, and recover.

May everything around bless you,

and may you be blessed by the Light and the Air around and inside of you.

May you rest and recover, my Friend, and may deep Peace illuminate your Being, so you can heal now.

May your Body be healed, may what you need to transform be healed and transformed inside of you now.

Time of suffering is over, Big Spirit ouside of you, and Big Spirit inside of you are being togheter now.

You can relax and heal now, you are healing now, all Pains are healing now,
there is only Beauty now, and your Body, Heart, Mind and Spirit are good and strong.

Allow Life Force and Spirit to transform you in who you are supposed to be,
and be embraced from Health, Peace, Love and Happiness.

Heal my Friend….


Walking the streets of Anywhere.

…if you can catch it inside yourself…Love and Light are needed everywhere, and all the time. Turn into your Source, and spread whatever Good you can: it is never ever lost.


Scratching one’s nose.

Think and feel how lucky we are when we can scratch our own nose, head, or whatever, with our own hands…Let us be grateful for that, not all humans have that privilege….Happy spring to you from me, enjoy your Life now.



The smell is changing, and the Light too. The pale and delicate Sun light caresses again the Earth. The seeds and the first flowers wake up from their winter sleep into the dark Mother Earth….trust has not failed them. Like a miracle of creation, small Beings appear everywhere, fresh and new, shining and living,vibrant and strong . Buds are ready to open, to transform, to suck in the new energy, colours and smells reappear, birds initiate their mating-songs…..light times are coming.

Spring Equinox.

Dark and Light, night and day in perfect balance for one split moment: from now on the power of Light will grow again, every day a bit longer, for a while. Spring equinox is the moment in which the active creative force is manifesting around us: in the medicine wheel, it is the moment of celebration of the East, to which the powers of birth, rebirth, renewal, creation, transformation and new beginnings belong to. It is starting time, creative and active time, refreshing time and miracles time. New beings appear, old beings reappear:the energy is both tremendously powerful and delicate at the same time: the seeds of our dreams and hopes are awaking and getting ready to manifest themselves with their joyful innocence, we can face our old results and reflect upon them. Refresh, refresh, face oneself, clean up, clean out. This is the time of stopping and examining how our seeds are truely growning inside ourselves, face them once more and, if they are the true ones, take care of them…remember to ask for clarity and guidance to our Inner Spirit, which is the Great Spirit too, act upon our projects, and wait with patience, trust and devotion for them to fully develop in our Life.


Love from Mexico

From the great Spaces, the deep Silences, and the roaring of the enormous Trucks, from the Desert Long Views, and the narrow Villages, Love to You, and a happy move into year 2008. Enjoy…! Ada

Mexico Desert yesterday

El chefe del Desierto, Juan Louis. Old Man in Sacred Military dress with a Bottle of Mescal in his Desert and his Machete, the Chief. Sharp dark Eyes and Hands like an Animal, his Body like a Cactus, firm, stable, immobile, moved slightly by the Lines of Wind….Fire burning, Fire dying out….Silence and Dust. The Teacher shared with us his Pain and his Wisdom, and he cried, and we all fell in Love deeply with him, and he with us. We touched one another, in perfect Moments Outside Time.
Time is like a Piece of Plastic rolling on a Rocky Road, in a windy Afternoon.
Nothing to say except Beauty, and that We All are Shining. Love to you All, Ada

From Real de Catorce, Mexico

Through Desert and Nothing… and through an old mine tunnel… Real opens to your Eyes, and it opens your Eyes too…Ruins and laughter, shining colours and Mountains, quiet and cheerful, full of Gifts and Surprises, unexpected….empty and very full at the same time… From the paved roads, shining from use, to the old trucks, to the gorgeous Ruins, and the Cactuses, the Horses and the Mules, the Kids running and the old Men in white sombrero, Light and Beauty is given…
The poor does not belong here, they all know they have a Paradise, and they are proud of it…. …I feel much much Gratitude for the blessing of being here, present here in this corner of the World, another Era, another Space, in and out of Reality at the same time…
Nothing happens, but many many small things and important things happen, the small kitchens are cooking and smelling good, while the Sun shines on these Beautiful Mountains and Ruins, and Water tubes run exposed down from the Mountain bodies, and the Mule and the Horse are Speaking…..
It is fullly wonderful to be present on this piece of Earth….No wonder why the Huicholes choose it like their most important ceremonial place, it feels magic….
The Huicholes have a shrine on a top of a Mountain here, their Inner Sacred Place: the entrance is composed by three circles into ech other, and a center. One has to enter from the East alone, walk around the circle for purification, and then one can enter the second circle, which is containing the center, the altar…
People out here say you shall meditate and purify yourself there, but only the shaman is allowed to enter the altar: the altar is as usual in these countries, a funny mix of beautiful sacred objects, broken cookies, plastic bottles, pearls, candles, and rubbish, or what looks like that; as you exit the circle, a little path goes up to the little chapel, the holiest, filled of much more things, same kind, pretty messy, totally, beautiful and colourful, and dirty or casual… feels like the beauty and the mess of the real world is represented there, it all, with Eagle feathers, symbols, power objects, crosses, wonderful paintings, jewelry, plastic bottles, rubbish and…the whole world, our world… felt very strong, my heart pumped much, and I almost cried, in the baking Sun, to our common God. Love and good thoughts to you, my friend and reader.
Hallo from Mexico

…from the big Mama mountain body of Tepotzlan…. in the middle of a beautiful valley, lays this village…there is not much to do, except getting busy with all kinds of alternative stuff, which you mostely already know about, (without arrogance). But… we come here for Mexico, not for therapy, we want “mexican.”..So….sit by the church, in the market, or the zocalo, not much to do when you are free, and you do not need to rob yourself, or… cheat yourself…
Sitting in the evenings with nothing to do, no tv, no alchool, no bullshit for the brain, is quite rewarding. somehow….Sitting by a tree a full sunday watching the mountains is medicine…brain slows down, brain cleans up, brain starvs, and by starving, starts to feel….and hear, and sense…
Today we went to another village, the plaza was nothing nothing, nobody except a man with some plastic table to sell from, and a lot of mexican music screaming, a couple of people listening… Nothing….
Life moves, and every little thing that happens is a present, an event. ….
The innner space obtained this way feel precious, no distractions, it is like meditation, in the cooking heat… We also went to a meeting, the mexican way…it took two three hours (mexi time), to get people togheter, and then…it happened…the energy of the circle, the words of the people on the spiritual path opened everybody’s heart…we were One again, One again, inspite of nationalities, ways, beliefs, churches, One again…..the whole house was vibrating of love… and in the early morning the brightest Star ever seen appeared to us in the East… love from Mexico.
Mexico (city)

The square by which we live is the center of the world, everyone lives there, animals and people, it is a wonderful little square with a fountain and some big trees…lots of things happen, at all hours, at all weather and temperatures…the water is the center of this piece of world…kids, old people, business people, homeless people, car washing people, newspaper bringing people, old women, school students, shaving face old man, red dressed lady with washing gear hanging it all to dry, old brushing leaves man, collecting carton man, drunk old noisy boys at night, plastic collecting people, pretty very tight and short dressed prostitutes…everyone washes there, and everybody stops there, for a break, for a kiss, for a look, for a smoke, for a drink, or because they have no where to go, or because they need a rest in nothingness… everyone passes by the center of the world, now. Mexico city, 1 december.


Fresh leave from springtime has its own beauty, dead leave of autumn has its own beauty too, and so is with us, young and old.



Look around…sharp light, strong sun, everybody out…joy, latter and fun…or some lonely ones hiding away, and maybe suffering. Most blossoming, undressing, playful and full from the heat, from the final liberty of being in the streets or in Nature again, out out in the air.The heat opens us up, our temper, our emotions, our passions, our playfulness, our sensitivity, our sensuality, The Sun carresses us and burns us.

Summer solstice.

Celebration of the Sun and the Light, which are on their peak, and so is all. Mother/Father Earth is totally green now, Its hair, the grasses, are at their maximum beauty, they bend at every breeze, they shine, and they are ready to throw their seeds, the flowers are blossoming, coming up, or already gone.

This is the celebration of the South, of the place of the young ones: the movement is outgoing, expressive, active, creative, passionate, emotional. The big Light is strong, and sharp, it shows everything, it reveals our shadows too. We can open up to ourselves, to the outside world, and face whatever is there, or we can hide and fear it. It is the moment of the heart, of being open and willing to examine the results of owr own creativity, of our work, of our prayers, and to choose the next steps, to take risks, and to take responsability for our further growth, not always knowing the results of our actions: therefore it is a moment for concentrating on trust, on forgiveness, on humility, and on compassion and kindness towards ourselves and towards others, (we all are doing the best we can!). Let us be grateful to our Earth and to the plants for all they provide to us, and to our challenges for the teachings we get, let us pray for forgiveness and gentleness between human beings.

Time stands still, the evening breeze touches my skin like a blessing wing, Sun dies slowly, and Fire shines quiet…there is Peace.


The power of friendship….to Nino.

I was visiting my best friend in Italy very short time ago: he has had an “ictus”, with the result that his right side of the body is paralized and does not work anymore, or at least right now, and he cannot speak more than one word, “no”, (which is by the way a very important one to me, and to him.)

It has been a great and tough experience to be there…the man’s state is different, he is right now in the poor and needy position of a sick man…depending on nurses and doctors and medicine and help…..he was a strong and social fighter before, an idealist who also could practice. I would say a noble man, not so easy to be close to, but a highly respectable and respected man: he could get very angry too … to things that were not right, fight for what he believed was justice, and dare, and keep on going with expensive costs of his own life, nerves and sleep. And he was nuts with other things, which made him a wonderful being, a really human one with all “pros and against”.

This man could be anybody and the story can be applied to any story that the mistery of life changes into a tragedy, even his state seems to be reversible within long time prospectives. It was anyway wonderful to be with him, because he is my friend, I am his friend and I love him, and even though he was not in the position of speaking or answering, love was there and communication was there too, it was just apparently very different from what we knew before and what we used to … we had to invent it : and that was a little scary to begin with: the way we used to be togheter was finished and another way had to start. What happened between us was that communication found other ways….and words are great but not necessarily the only mean of understanding each other…

I noticed that his other friends had troubles in finding their role because he was so different:, and we talked much about it. This is why I like to share this story with you :there is a room between you and your friend, and a room in which you are togheter….. there is a confidence of some kind which only you two know about, the seed of your friendship: the seed have roots, and the roots stay whatever happens, you know them both because you watered them togheter: remember…that is the place to go back to, that is the power that will bring you through, that will show a way….. Many miracles happened while I was down there, at times it was not so amazing, but at times we “talked”, and it was just as deep and touching as our relation always had been….we got some new experiences of and with each other: we had never ever before looked into each other’s eyes for so long, and I had never dared to caress so much his head or hold his hand being cracked open again and again, and he cried and I did….then smiles came and deep philosophy came and….silly things came…. we found a way, through the Heart, we found a way togheter, and it was beautiful, and somehow very natural.

If it should ever happen to you to be in a situation like this, better or worse, remember….your friend is your friend and you are his/her friend, it is your and his/her duty , and your and his/her right to be whoever you are, honest, to be there for each other and confess and face your difficulties and your love, show it , invent how to express it, and it will be of great help and give you both power and joy. Friendship is the best thing we have as humans.


Winter Solstice.

Winter is coming:…after fall’s explosion of colours, clear and dramatic skies, haevily painted in silver, gold, and pink, and cooler air…apparent death and sleep approaches us once more, and light retreats : did you see and feel how the first snow wa,s or did you touch the ice? Do you remember the sharp and clean taste and smell of a cold day, or a cold night, all the stars shining brightly? This beauty, this clarity, belongs to the powers of the North, like the quartz-crystal.

Stillness and dark times are the presents of Winter: it is time to stop and to look inside and feel, time of meditation, time to clean up and to purify oneself, to shine up our minds, time to forgive ourselves and others for what may not have been perfectly working, and for all the challenges and teachings that have come.

Winter solstice, the darkest Day and the longest Night is for me the real new year: the Seeds are deep into the Earth, alive but sleeping, waiting with Trust for the coming heat to wake them up. On this special Energy day we can make a little Fire, or turn some candle lights on, to simbolize and to celebrate the Sun being reborn, the new Light growing, the Seed of our new Hope. It is, even it does not look like that, the true season of renewal.

We can meditate on our Lives and experiences of this year and thank them, forgive all misunderstandings and mistakes, plan on how to apply our new knowledge, and pray for Wisdom and Clarity to guide us. Then, once it is done, plant good thoughts for your Circle, your Friends and Family, and if you feel like, for all of us on Earth, and let the prayer go with Trust, through the Flames, to the Spirit.
… and Winter solstice reflections

Reflections, reflections: the other day I went to a funeral: the silent and strong partecipation of all, as the coffin was brought out, touched me deeply…sorrow may be obvious at a funeral, but intensity is not: the energy was tight and, if one did not know what or who it was about,one could call it “togetherness power” or yust “power”: strangers and friends were togheter about something important. It was wonderful and strong to feel…

As everytime someone dies, Death touches us and makes us reflect, once more, of the precious and troublesome gift of Living, of having people around that one can love and be loved from, and of the precious gift of having a peaceful Death: most of us keep on forgetting that this one day, this one hour, may be our last time here (unless one believes in reincarnation, which may do it better or worse). As the cliche says “This is the first day of the rest of your Life” (cliche wisdom). I am grateful to H.Ulrik for this moment, and to all of us who were present. Life, also when it is gone, is reflected in our circle and in our deeds, in what we leave behind: our ways are very various as we carry on our Lives, what we believe in, what seems important to do……Love goes behind Death, my mother told me after she had left, and I believe that, but there are small other pieces of Love all around that we can create or keep alive….pieces of gentleness, of concern for each other, for strangers, for our friends that cannot talk, the animals, the plants, for anything we can think and feel about, and especially for our “enemies”, or the ones we cannot really understand, whatever face they may have. Let us use some meditation time for this on the winter-solstice.

Winter time is reflection time, inner time,i nsight time, time of silence and purification, time of meditation and mind: we are close to the powers of the North, the powers of apparent Death, the apparent sleep…on winter solstice, the longest Night of the year, we can reflect on our Life and see how it all fits, or does not fit: the darkest and longest Night brings inside itself the Seed of the new Light, of the new Sun being reborn…. It is, even it does not look like that, the season of renewal. The Seed is deep deep into the Earth, waiting with Trust for the heat to wake it up. We can take our knowledge and experiences of this year,observe them and pray for transformation and wisdom, give away our minds, judgements and the idea that we already know,in order to find the missing pieces of our own truth, plan on how to apply it, and let it go: like the Seed, with Trust.

Thank you for reading this, Ada Coming Wind