OUTDOOR if possible or IN VESTSKOVEN. Otherwise INDOOR by me. Often at the same time as NEW MOON (OCTOBER 14, 2023) We will start by a short sharing circle, and hear about each participant’s needs, wishes and intentions. … Read More…
Informal circle, outdoor, in my beautiful garden. Let us be together and share whatever happens. We share in the CIRCLE, we share SNACKS, and you may take some “ITEMS, THINGS” with you you wish to exchange, or to sell. What … Read More…
SHARING CIRCLE LIVE in my kolonihave, or Ballonparken BOOK BY PHONE. Thanks. WOMEN, MEN, YOUNG AND OLDER, WELCOME! *** In changing and strange times like now, most of us may be feeling a little lost and confused. … Read More…
Drumming evenings are open both to the shamanic journey, Powerdance/songs, Healing, and other intentions. We will have a short sharing circle in order to find out what we wish and need. Be with (with your drum) in high energy! PRICE/PRACTICAL. … Read More…
BREAK NOW… Otherwise… Pass by! Let us meet! There will always be good people, a good cup of coffee or tea for you, and snacks.On the first Wednesday each second month. Some times in the Ballonparken, sometimes in Casetta’s garden, … Read More…
SACRED HUMAN this year we will start with a group of CEREMONIES and RITES of PASSAGE both for WOMEN and MEN (unless participants choose different) *INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP WORK and CO-CREATION* My vision is to rediscover, recover, share … Read More…
*** SUN CEREMONIES Spring Equinox 20 March, Summer Solstice 21 June, Fall Equinox 22 September, and Winter Solstice 21 December. ***There will always be a new INSPIRATION on MY BLOG, EACH TIME*** LIVE OR DISTANT: each ceremony will be … Read More…
HEALING CIRCLE A Healing Circle is an event where we gather as a Tribe and share and heal through community and Shamanic rituals together. We will work confidential, and in respect for each other. Our Circle is a … Read More…