Healing meditations on You Tube in English and Italian (older)
Min You Tube kanal hedder sacred space by Ada Coming Wind
Meditationerne er på let Engelsk, nogle på Italiensk.
De blev optaget i corona tid, hvor jeg forsøgt at gøre noget, så folk kunne få en “hviletid”, og en”andehul”.
“I hope listening to this will help you feel better”
Preparation: find a place where you can be alone, breath naturally, and allow your body to adjust in your favourite position.
Take your headphones on, and maybe cover your eyes.
Have a glas of water close by, for afterwards.
The “journeys” will last between 30 and 60 min. , and it is “channeled”, (that is why no exact time).
Keep 5, 10 min. more free to “wake up” slowly afterwards. Thank you!