Healing by Water, and Blessing of the Water
Water represents Healing in most traditions worldwide, is most important for all Life. We are much water ourselves. Water needs Healing, just as Earth and ourselves.
After a deep meditation/journey, we will each one see what we shall transform and heal this time.
We will bless and pray Water to cleanse us: bless, clean, and bless again.
This proces will be repeated more times, while the circle will support each partecipant. What happens here is absolutely confidencial.
This is strong Healing, therefore we will take “time to land” in Silence afterwards: few words and sharing of snacks will end the evening.
I learned this strong ritual from Josie Raven Wing over 25 years ago, and have been using it many times with outstanding results.
follows. We will go out and share our Blessed Water with a Lake or the Sea, in Silence.
Come before start please, the ritual starts precisely at 13, and takes about two/three hours.
Donation: 250 dkk is welcome if you can
Place: possibly outdoor, call please! Probably Hareskoven or Vestskoven