A couple more Sun Rays,
and whatever we do
A moment of Illumination,
a moment of Peace.
Sucking the Light in,
Licking the Sun,
our God.
Insanity still explodes ,
polarizing and splitting our World,
in sick assaults and conflicts,
usually based on greed.
Madness still rules!
We will always REMEMBER
We will take care of OUR LIVES,
we will KEEP BRAVE,
since FEAR is “their” language.
Dirty tricks!
WE ALL (us and “them”)
are going to DISAPPEAR,
Even it feels different,
we still are ONE.
Can this help us keep “SANE and FREE ” ?
Happy Birthday New Year!
While the World is celebrating,
Fireworks Pollute our Air,
and cheer up our Childish Spirits.
Many Wishes are being wished,
and Wows taken.
May every Firework Crack Clear our Intent,
may every Light Bless our Paths.
May Peace and Healing
Reign on Earth and among Us.
Foto: my interpretation from exhibition in Cisterne (Kbh), Japanese Woman Artist, name forgotten, but thanks!
It is Old, still New, because forgotten, maybe each time.
And if you met It, you will Know.
Stripped of Fascinations,
Judgements and Decorations,
stripped of any Values, still Valid…
When the Void stands Still,
when the World stops,
Frozen or just Quiet…
Meet the Nothing,
Meet the Anything,
the Potential,
the Zero.
Message from my Helpers.
“Time is Now to remember, take care and polish Your Inner Sun, Your Soul Light, the Precious Seed of Life inside of You, Your Connection, Your Trust.
Sun Baby is Reborn, and Grows again to Illuminate All, and so shall You.
Your Sun, Your Soul is there.
Look, Listen.
Call upon it, and It Will answer.
Pray for Miracles, so that You can see Them, and Perform Them.”
Let us also….
Pray for Peace,
Thank for All
Honor Life and Soul in Every Being…
Good Celebration!
And Rebirth!♡
Yes, You!
Fantastic, surprising, incredible, amazing You are!
Through long lasting common Roots, or casual random meetings,
long or short, deep or simple, easy or complex, old or fresh,
even “good” or “bad”, “compatible” or not, still…
Remember that, each time you doubt.
You are Stars in Your Sky, Stars in Your Life.
Grateful I am, for our “crossings”.
Cleaning up time,
inside, outside.
As in Nature,
Dead Leaves falling off.
Awareness sharpened.
As in Nature,
Lines and Essence become visible.
Clear Air, clear Sky.
Silence expanding,
Winter is here.
Cut down for Noise, and Decoration,
inner and outer.
Observe what the Mind does,
what the Emotions do,
and what they say,
without Judgement.
Release, Release, Release.
Keep within Peace.
Remember the Greater Picture,
the Cosmic Us,
the Cosmos.
Move through Clarity and Intuition,
and through Heart.
Quiet Adventure.
In Gratitude.
What lies on the other side of the Tunnel?
If anything,
Not important…
NOW is.
This Silence is full of Wonder,
Embracing me…
And I allow it to take me,
and I follow…
in Trust,
to Where?
Fragile, sensitive, and strong at once…
In less Noise,
Manifestations become clearer,
in less Words
Symbols can arise.
In this time I can only be THERE,
where, maybe?
Everything begins and ends.
I am quiet! I am quiet!
Listen to me, I am quiet!
31 October.
Most of us have Relations who died, of different kinds,
and we all have a Tail of Ancestors in our Body Dna.
Our Dead are our “Life and Experience” Dna.
The two together make us Whole.
Death comes, touches, and everything changes.
Pain, or Release from Pain for us who stay.
Release from Pain, hopefully, for the ones who move further.
With before, without now.
Love stays.
“New” Teachings, “new Life”, brutal,
for us who stay,
or Peace.
Half way to the Winter Solstice,
we get caressed by the Dark growing.
Today is a moment of Sharing.
Sharing with the Unseen, sharing our Hearts with our Beloved ones.
Remembering our Lives together, things learned, our growth,
experiences done,
honoring and thanking for our Time,
maybe expressing, or
listening to them,
sending a Blessing.
Let us honor our Ancestors also,
however we best feel right,
turning a candle on, sharing some food, or just thoughts.
Have a Peaceful, Love-ful and Fruitful time.
Maybe “that day” (in the past)
was the last time with Pain?
Let us try not to crystalize Reality
or reinforce a condition that may not be permanent,
let us open to Possibilities (future).
Let us Honor our “Waves”,
our “ups and downs”,
our “Light and Dark”…
It is all One…
foto: from exibition in Cisternerne, København
Days getting shorter,
Colors exploding,
Beings retreating.
Chill, darker Sky, Clear Air,
the Parfume of Decomposition,
and Mushrooms, and Musk.
and Silence growing Inside.
Like the Trees, and all Plants,
we move Closer to our Essence,
our Core,
we shake off our Leaves now dying,
and we make Friends with the Dark.
“This too, will pass”,
we better Enjoy it while it is here.
“Balance” of Light and Dark.
“I” Surrender today,
to “myself”,
to Infinity.
“I” bury the Axe of Judgement, down Below, anywhere.
“I” bury Who “I” am not,
Who “I” wished to become,
because “I” AM.
“I ” AM the LIGHT,
“I” AM the DARK,
“I” BREATHE through the Veil of Illusion,
In Gratitude,
“I” SEE,
our World HEALING,
and “my” PRAYER,
Many years with the Sweatlodge,
each time surprising and different,
each time touching and purifying.
Earth, its own Being, Fire, its own Being, Air and Moist, their own Beings,
Sweat its own Being, Water its own Being, Rocks their own Beings.
We, our own Beings, and the Ones who come…
Different strong Personalities, working Together.
Voices Together.
As it “should” always be…
The Sacred Ceremony, a mix of “Us” All,
All other “Beings” that are with,
the Prayers we take with, our Whole…
… Whole…
Organic, It moves, It evolves, It changes…
Whole, Movement, Evolving, Change…
Deep, Human, Spiritual,
Humble, Sweet, Strong, Wild, Intimate …
We are Grateful,
and We Surrender…
In “my” Garden, on Mother Earth,
“my” Garden, so called ’cause in our society we created separation,
and separation fits most of us well…
In “my” Garden, on Mother Earth,
I learn and learn.
All Beings, and all Spirits show,
both the Cycle of Birth, Death, and Renewal,
the “Fall/Develop/or Disappearing” of Spieces, and Beings,
the Amazing Beauty of Blossoming and Decay.
In “my” Garden there are always Surprises , there is Change.
Under the Skies, We (the Garden and I) Rejoice, call for Rain, pray for Sun.
Beings Fly, Crawl, Slide…Appear as Visitors.
Trees Whisper, and Dance, change Color…
There is total Peace, and yet total Movement,
total Life in “my” Garden.
I love it very much.
I love you Earth, I love you Sky, I love you Wind, I love you Sun, I love you Rain…
I love You…
After an active, developing, social and spiritual period with People, some of us need to digest and re-balance.
So I went to my Other Friends, the Sky, the Wind and the Sun, the Waters, and the vaste empty Landscape.
In Loneliness, I also thrive.
In the massive Sound of wild Waters, and in the violent Wind, I clean, I heal, “I” not any longer…
In the Sun Light, in the deep always changing Sky, “I” melt, “I” disappear…
And in the Soundless, deep Silence of the Earth, “I” become…again.
I was visiting an area with many burial “hills” (gravhøje) a short time ago.
Usually I go for honoring, sometimes for meditation: this time I was “taken in” and “taken away”.
“Stop!”, and “Stay!”
When Spirit or Spirits talk, I have to follow.
It clearly felt like a friendly mix of Ancestors and Nature Beings, quite unusual.
I had to explore, and see Beings, I had to listen, move and honor in a Circle that became only apparent when I saw the photo later.
They opened the Other Reality for a while, all was more alive than usually, and in a completely different way.
Nature Beings had other Faces, Shadow and Light were both present, soft, and playful.
They talked to my Inner, not to me.
Life multiplying, Life Cosmic, Life Essence, Infinity.
I stayed, as long as it was “necessary” or “allowed”… in Gratitude…
One and half hour had gone, no Time…
I may be back one day.
photo: maybe the “Guardian”
Sometimes we do “bad” things
sometimes we do “silly” things
sometimes we do “amazing” things
sometimes we do “boring” things
sometimes we do “crazy” things
sometimes we do “no” things
sometimes we do…
On the Bigger Plane,
nothing of this probably matters,
still, we Believe we are Important,
and still, we can discern between “good” and “bad”.
Can we?
A new Sharing Circle has started.
It is a “Heart thing”, so whatever we may share, stays there.
The first Sharings from each one of us, were very different.
We stand in different positions in our Growth,
we have different Dreams and Paths.
Whatever we express, even it may be “humble” at first glance,
contains a part of our Life,
of the greater Mandala of us as Human Beings.
Each happening we react on, is a part of us,
therefore Precious, and to be Respected.
Each little story has a deeper meaning,
and a “Treasure” to be found in it, if one takes the time…
And as we express, we get to know ourselves,
as we listen we learn to know the others, and ourselves.
Thanks, Manitonquat, for teaching and bringing the Circle into my Life.
A hug to you wherever you are, on the Other Side. Ho!
A short time ago I had the challenge and the honor to work with one of my dear returning clients, who , in the
meantime got pregnant. Now, one, two months to go…
Her Belly was amazing, and She was shining.
Having chosen not to have Kids at all, it felt very special and a privilege,
at the same time I was a little tense. It had been ages since I worked with a pregnant Woman.
The “what to do” list from my Helpers had been scarce, and it clearly felt like we had to work together, how?…
We should see.
Following her wishes, I checked with clairvoyance Mother and Baby condition, and connection/involvement with
the Father: everything was fine. The Baby even got a “sacred name”, it just came, without us asking.
The Woman Goddess was Creating Magic, Creating Miracle inside her Body,
and it felt very Sacred, very Perfect, and a little (much) surrealistic to us both.
In the meantime, the “rest” of the session had appeared.
She “went into” her Belly, met this new Being,
we prayed loud for Her Arrival and Life, and sang for Her.
We were touched both, almost burst into Tears.
So beautiful, so intimate, so strong, powerful and delicate at the same time!
Be Welcome soon to your new Life, fresh new Being!
To every Carrier of new Life:
may You take time to “meet” your Baby, may you talk loud and pray and sing for Her/Him.
With Love, from J and Ada.
Greetings to You, Beauty-full Human Being!
On Solstice day, You may wish to undertake this Journey.
“Simple” instructions follow.
Get ready in your best way (own praxis)
Connect both to Earth and Sky (if right for you, especially to the Sun), and to your Spirit (and other) Friends
Visualize you are the Sun (or if you cannot, just see the Sun close to you, then enter it)
Feel the new condition, the Glowing, the Light (it is comfortable), and adjust
Expand through your Corona, so you cleanse your Past and Future through the Glowing
Expand through your Corona, so you cleanse whatever needs to be Released now
Expand through your Rays and Bless whoever and whatever you Love and Care for (included Earth)
If you feel strong enough Bless whoever and whatever you worry about (all less good stuff)
Thank, and bring your Rays back
Enlighten the Corona again, Cleanse once more, and Bless yourself too
Enlighten your whole Being with Light (if it feels right)
and even intake in your Organs, your Heart, and Chakras (if it feels right)
Dissolve the picture, and visualize soft Rain Drops all over you. Enjoy for a while
Thank All your Helpers, the Sun and the Water Drops, yourself
Go back to your Body, Breath, Heart , ordinary Reality
Wake up slowly, Peacefully, in good mood and Energy
Welcome You Beauty-full Human Being
Have a good Solstice, and a good Life!
Before we happened to populate the Earth,
Millions years ago, the Plants, (very recent Life also, compared to our supposed Planet Age),
successfully moved out of the Primal Swamp.
How They did, we can guess, maybe some Scientists know.
Respect to Evolution, and to the Plants!
And many Beings still move, undetected by Us.
It also seems We started on 4 legs, and moved to 2, later on.
We got Feet and Legs (and all the rest), and the amazing Virtue of Moving.
It is maybe not often enough We Remember our Great Gifts,
Movement being a Great one of them.
We Move through Space and Air, and sometimes We “Fly”.
Yesterday, I was looking at Us,
Walking, Strolling, in the Sunshine …
Spirit reminded me of Being Grateful for What I have,
for my Legs and Feet, for the Whole Body,
and I smiled inside.
Walking Miracles,
Living Miracles,
Us and the rest.
Coming back here.
The Sun is Shining,
The Sweatlodge is Growing,
My Princess is Blooming,
A Flower Bee on My Knee,
And the Dancing Mosquito Dance fast today…
Simple Things…
Bit by bit,
Landing in this one Reality…
Cloud Veils on the Hills
Water Vails on the Sea
Shadow Veils on the Grasses
Thought Veils on me.
The little Yellow House by the Ruins is gone
Spring Opens Views, New Lights
Millions of Shining Beings are Watching…
Resting, still Moving, Evolving,
Resting Moving Evolving Resting
Resting Moving Growing Resting….
Sky and Earth Nourishing again and again.
The time of Miracles is approaching,
hard for us waiting… still coming.
And, however down or up we are,
we will get Out there,
back to the Light,
to the Spring Exploding,
to the Beings Growing,
Shining again,
to the Birds Singing…
Back to Nature, back to the Mother,
to melt within her Embrace,
to Inhale Soft Winds,
to Rest between Sky and Earth,
to Reconnect,
to be Whole again,
Washed clean,
Open and Ready
for Spirit
and Life.
“Overload” or “Underload”,
and a lot of Confusion.
Nerves on the “edge”,
extra Sensitivity,
urge to Change, Clean, Progress,
and all blurred, all weird, or unclear.
Identity in doubt,
Priorities in doubt,
Knowledge in doubt…
Suffering or Apnea,
We are many who feel like this now.
Should it help to know, many.
Let us not throw away our Vulnerability,
or hide the fact it is hard now.
We are being shaken.
We may be Changing and Transforming,
like the little Sprout Fighting its way up…
from one State to the next,
Energy is needed…
Let us Respect our Vulnerability,
and keep True to Ourselves, True to our World,
Compassionate and Caring to our Hearts.
A troubled Spring?
We are going to be all right.
Many People will be celebrating this day, 22 March, worldwide.
Why? To rise our Awareness, and focus our Attention on the preciousness of Water,
and remind us of our use/misuse, and the need of taking care of its Purity.
It is a great idea!
Water is extremely precious, and we “should” use it wisely,
even in countries like Danmark, where we have plenty of it.
Every day we use, and maybe forget.
All Waters are Sacred, with or without Salt.
Our Oceans are just as important for Life and other Creatures.
And… We got Water inside our own Bodies,
we are ourselves so much Water!
In our cities, Water is trapped through tubes,
and “suffers”: aware of this, we have methods to Cleanse it as arrives to our homes,
by filters, Energy or Crystals, and Intention.
Are you on your own on this day, and you “feel for” ritual, here is a simple,
and “effective” way to celebrate, or maybe an inspiration for you.
Here a visualization you may use if you so wish.
Get ready in your own best way, creating a Sacred space, have some Water in a transparent Bowl,
and some pictures of Water, or Blue colors, in front of you.
(Should you have “blessed Waters” from other occasions, offer a couple of Drops to the Bowl).
If you are comfortable with it,
take a little journey or visualize the Water places you know, may it be Ocean, Lake, Stream, River, or a Well.
Go and visit and Honor those Waters, and Bless them.
Allow the Waters to Bless you back and (ask permission to ) move into them.
Allow them to Wash and Purify you, maybe drink a little zip.
Stay there as long as the experience is fresh, maybe they will “tell you” something “special”.
Thank, and move back to your Sacred space.
Here is a little ritual you can do if you wish, expand it or change it as it feels right.
Connect to the Water through your Palms, hold it close to your Heart,
and transfer the Power of the Wild Waters you just “met” (or you know) into it.
Bless and thank this Water too.
Charge it more, with Love and Gratitude.
(“Try to”) Feel the inner Waters in your Body,
and Bless them too, and your Blood.
Sprinkle it on and around yourself, drink some of it,
or/and have a little “ritual wash”…
Thank for Life that Water gives us all.
Collect then some of your Water into a separate bottle, to keep for other occasions.
And collect some to bring to a lager Body of Water, now, or when you can.
There, then, it will be released with a Blessing or a Prayer, and given away.
Water remembers.
Keep being aware of your Water use.
Thank you for doing this.