INDIVIDUEL WORKSHOP 4 eftermiddags workshops. Stress af! Lær at håndtere stress og bekymringer, genfind dig selv, og genskab indre stabilitet: en holistisk kombination af “Clearing and Healing, Mindfulness og Magi, og Spirit food”, (inkl. en svedehytte). Yderligere beskrivelse på vej…


Would you like to be part of a learning Adventure? TRASH AND POWER ADVENTURE, ISPIRATION, SHARING and a little “crazy” HOLIDAYS. PLEASE CALL AUGUST 2020, DATE COMING , 2000 KR. In northern Sjælland/Havnsø.   PLEASE CALL ME OR RIKKE (CONTACT Read More…

Vi forbereder os til det nye år, via reflektion og fordybelse: få et indblik i dit Liv på alle planer, og skab nyt. Kender du til den shamanistiske rejse, vil vi også bruge den metode: ellers sharing circle og counselling, Read More…

  Calling the Vision Quest for a workshop is a little strange, but otherwise the ones who do not know this “Sacred adventure” will maybe never find it , so… The Quest is a very important TRANSFORMATION PROCESS (or RITE Read More…

It is Spring! About Transformation: who/where are you now? where do you want to move from here? About looking at ourselves, at our structures, at our patterns, at our lies. About clearing and making room for change. About reconstructing and Read More…