And…a reminder (number 4)
The point of the previous 3 parts was self-reflection.
The point of this reminder is slightly different.
We may “feel” that we are not “there” where we “should be”,
and this could create even more “junk” in our system… (which we do not need).
This is what many personal development courses are about,
“you still have a long way to go”, “look at how you are not this and that”
… Maybe, and Yes!
But… we keep on moving…(Work in progress:)
In this last reminder, I like to talk about the Power of Laughter, and self-Irony,
a very important and forgotten Healer.
We do not need to be so serious! We may smile, and laugh!
It will lighten everything immediately, guarantee.
And… You, I , We,
rich or poor, single or in Love, good/silly looking, sharp or not so much…
YOU, I , We…
are Wonderful Beings, just because we ARE LIFE,
we got the Power, and it is right there to take!
We are amazing, Infinite Energy, enormous Potential,
and much more than we believe ourselves!
Happy Solstice,
and the Sun will be reborn
Come, celebrate!
Come, reconnect!
We keep on moving…and smile…