Summer Solstice 23
Splendor, Light, Apex, Sun power.
Cleansing, Blessing, Joy, Abundance, Celebration, Flowers and Herbs, Beauty and Strenght.
Fire, Midsummer is here!
Every year we celebrate the Sun movements and cycles, both as a moment of Prayer and Gratitude for our Life, and as reflection of our own (Birth, Growth, Maturity, and Decline), and Nature’s cycle.
We mark and create Rituals to keep in touch both with the Inner and the Outer Reality, to keep in Balance, to clear once more our Path, re-set our Intentions, and thank Earth, the Sun, and all the Elements and Beings for their Gifts.
Here a few “inspiration key words”:
Refresh yourself, your Alter, your Home,
invite Light into your Being, into your Life, and into Earth,
stay Outdoor and intake the Sunlight if it is there, the Energy if it is not,
have an Air bath or a Ocean bath, (or them all),
have a barefoot walk ,
visit a place from where you can see the Sunrise and the Sunset,
and bless them both.
Give Offerings to the Animals, and the Nature Beings.
Do or create something new.
Meditate for Peace and Harmony.
Make a circle of Beauty(ful things) in front of you to contemplate,
and a Fire, or Living Lights, to
share with yourself and others…
Drum , sing your favourite songs and dance,
eat delicious food, drink favourite drinks,
share your achievements,
reflections and Intentions for the next Sun cycle,
celebrate and