Some people have asked about how to do the FullMoon meditation for Earth Healing, when you have no experience (or little) of shamanism or healing. I may have written about it before, but not mind doing it again.
It is a relevant question, and thanks for asking. I tend to believe in the net days everybody knows about everything, but one thing is the anonymous plugging in somewhere, another asking directly, and getting the answer from someone you know, or you have some kind of contact with.
I will try to be, as usual, as little dogmatic, as “safe”, and as simple as possible.
There are million ways, of course, and I also believe an atheist can do, providing the interest.
Like for the Sweatlodge, and for other kinds of work, the main thing is the INTENTION (or wish to do some “good”), and some disciplined TIME you OFFER.
We could consider it like the BREATH PROCES, time to breathe in, time to hold a little, time to breathe out, and time to be empty.
GET READY in the way you feel most comfortable, find your good position, face the Moon.
BREATHE IN: use (if you have) any PREPARATION praxis, CLEANSING, and CONNECT to your CENTER (belly, root chakra).
CONNECT to your friends/teachers/trustworthy humans or spirit Beings, and to your own “Godlike essence” (big Mystery, the Unknown, Cosmic Space, Life or ?), and to the God essence outside of you (easier if we think them as two parts, maybe). If you do not know who what to connect to, just ASK FOR HELP.
THANK, and present your INTENTION (who, what would you like to pray for etc.)
BREATHE PAUSE: stay in the MoonLight, let it clean you, charge you, and bless you, be as empty as possible, RECEIVE.
BREATHE OUT: POUR YOUR PRAYERS AND BLESSINGS OUT to who/what you choose to help healing, ONE AT THE TIME: expressing LOUD AND SIMPLE is best, (I ask for Healing for…., I bless the Earth…)
If you got many people/things to pray for, have a LIST you can read, (but “little and strong” is “better” than “much and unfocused”, in my opinion).
You can have the LIST on paper in the MOONLIGHT, and /or BETWEEN YOUR HANDS.
SEND a feeling/thought of LOVE AND COMPASSION, SEND NOT YOUR OWN ENERGY (sending your own Energy may cause your Energy body to diminish/leak, that is one of the reasons we ask for help).
Should you feel very “involved or emotionally touched very deeply” by what/who you pray for it may be better and safer to send blessings: (for example ” I bless you child, and may you heal “, or “I bless whoever and whatever may contribute to Peace on Earth”, or “May the Earth be a peaceful place to be for us all” ).
STAY AND BREATHE for a while to “land good”, UNTIL YOU FEEL WHOLE AGAIN, feel how you feel, move slowly, and wake up at own rhythm.
… It may sound complicated, and it may need a little time to digest: the first times you may feel akward, but it will pass…
I hope I got you inspired: this is just one way of doing it.
Blessings on you, and thank you for being with at the FullMoon meditation! Both night before and on FullMoon night between 19 and 21, each month. 🙂
We survived, again, Wintertime, inside and outside.
Now contemplating Life appearing or reappearing…Resurrection!
New Creations are happening out there in Nature, new Babies (all kinds) are coming, waking up… Birds are “flirting”, and looking for material for their nests…
At times strong, at times quiet, great is the Power of the East, of new Beginnings, fruitful Fertility, Miracles.
Day and Night Balance, a split second and everything will explode in Growth. Sun stronger and stronger, Life stronger and stronger.
We reflect upon our Seeds,Thoughts, Feelings, and Deeds.
We shine up our Life by letting go of unneeded stuff, so we have room for Fresh Energy and Vision.
We discharge, recharge, and bless and pray. Refresh your home and yourself, give presents and donations, walk out, dance with your Friends and Helpers, observe and smell Flowers, hug your Relations, and… Have a lovely Spring celebration!
(Be with on 20/3 Equinox ceremony, or on “Clearing and Healing day”?)
I am often concerned and reflect about what I can give, and how.
Today, last of this year, I spent some time meditating on an alternative text for wishing my Friends and Clients a “happy new year”. Lost time and silly speculation? Maybe, but I do care, and messages have to be “sincere, good and clear” when one is me.
Considering all hundreds possibilities, I did come back to a simple one “Best 2018 to You, and big hug!”, and it probably will stay there, but let’s see.
All of a sudden an “idea” flashed: whether it is “bright”, or not, who can tell? Maybe someone gets inspired?
It is a small and humble project, yet fruitful. Here it comes.
Take it, change it, leave it, make it Yours, create Your own. Sure it has been done before, and it will be done after, but WHY NOT?
Determine first HOW LONG You would like to do it for. (You can anytime shorten or make the period longer).
Use ONE MINUTE EVERY DAY to send a HEALING THOUGHT (or PRAYER) to YOURSELF, and NEXT ONE MINUTE to send to SOMEONE ELSE, or the WORLD,(therefore the name One plus One).
Thoughts have to be expressed as “already being manifested” (as we all know), only with “positive statements”, (for example “I am healing”, or “I heal”, “the Earth is Peaceful”, or “there is Peace on Earth”.
Sounds too easy? Are You doing it already?
Every day two minutes many People TOGETHER makes many minutes of GOOD GOOD ENERGY in and around Us. And it helps for sure! 🙂
Align with the Nature of the Land you are living on, observe it, let it touch you, inspire you and guide you.
Winter is here now, the Power of the North manifests clearer and clearer.
Trees have lost their Leaves, most Green is gone. Energy going in, Beings withdraw…
Black and white, cold, naked, simple, clear, and dormant.
Once done what you need to do, go within for cleansing and selfreflection, quiet the Mind and the Body, observe and listen to yourself, to your Inner Voice. Be truthful about what you hear and see.
Be gentle, as the Darkness of the longest Night is caring and nourishing, it is the Womb from where we entered Life, it is Sacred, and so are you.
Thank for the Teachings of this year, bless People, Beings, All around you.
Forgive you, All around you, allow the Dark to absorb you.
In the longest Night lies the Seed of its Opposite, the Rebirth of the Light, and the promise of a new Beginning.
In our “faults and limitations” lies the Seed of Change, in our Humility, our Power.
The Sun will grow again from now, and so will our inner One.
Celebrate your accomplishments, sharpen your new Intent and Vision, and offer it to the Light. It will shine in/on you, and show you the way.