Kategoriarkiv: Spirituelt
Crystal Breath, Crystal Light,
Winter Nights.
Inspiration for Winter Solstice 21/12/2016
The Shortest day of the year. Sharp Winds, crispy mornings, Rain, cold.
The Earth is falling asleep. Growth seems to stop.
Night clear Skies, Stars. By watching the deep Space, we get humble.
Silence, Reflection, selfreflection and Contemplation are some of the Powers of the North.
Like Earth, we withdraw. To reconnect to ourselves, to look within, to consider the lessons learned through the year, to thank for our ownTruth and experiences.
We nurture ourselves and regain Strenght. We share closeness and warmth with our Circles and Friends.
Other thoughts. We (may try to) forgive ourselves and others, pray for others and our Planet, give donations, be gentle to those around, make PEACE with a neighbour or someone we don’t like, clean up a misunderstanding, reconnect with long time no seen Friends, have a great crazy party, share Wisdom and good stories, reflect on and accept diversity, take a social or personal waw, TAKE ONE DAY TOTALLY FREE, clean our Body and Home, release ourselves from burdens (things, connections), honour our Ancestors, be in Silence, work creative, ADMIRE THE NIGHT SKY for more than five minutes, make a Fire outdoor….continue the list, or do what is right for You.
We are together in Spirit with many others in celebration…
Happy New Year!
Dear Sister, dear Brother… Letter to ourselves
Dear Sister and Brother: pain is not our home, our Spirit is, and our Spirit is free.
Dear tense Brother and Sister: let’s be good to ourselves, and relax.
Dear Brother and Sister: enough violence and unjustice, let’s try Peace inside.
Lonely Sister and Brother, let’s be kind: we got good company, ourselves.
Dear Mother and Father, be patient: kick the Judge out, do the best.
Sad Brother and Sister, let’s be sweet, and try to accept.
Shameful Sister and Brother, let’s burn up the veil of shame: it is a nonsense. Let’s shine.
Fearful Brother and Sister, let’s embrace our Fear and act.
Angry Sister and Brother, our gift can be great Power. Let’s forgive.
Greedy Brother and Sister, posessions do not last, let’ s give away.
Dear Sister and Brother, let’s cut off our lies, and get out of the mud 🙂
I surrender…
to the Colours of the Autumn, to All Colours…
I let them enter me, I eat them I drink them I breathe them I adore them I collect them I plant them I grow them … I surrender to them…
I surrender to the Rainbow, and to Rainbow reflections, Crystal Lights…
I surrender to the Wind, and let us breathe together…
I surrender to the Fire, and let us burn together…
I surrender to the Earth, and let us live together…
I surrender to Water, and let us flow together…
I surrender to Spirit, and let us be together…
I surrender to Love, please show me the Way…
I surrender to Life, and let us stream together…
I surrender to Death, and let us meet some day…
Summer Solstice 2016
The great strong Light shines high, and reveals everything, our failures, fights and doubts too. Observe Your Powers and the missing Powers, the active Dreams and the Unfulfilled ones. Observe the situation on the Planet. Then let it all go, wash You clean, get ready….
This Energy moment, the Summer Solstice, represents our Highest, our Essence, our Awareness and Conciousness, and so it is in Nature.
Contemplate Creation outside and inside of You, and Life. Create a new Door in your Inner Space, and enter it, or hop across Fire.
Intake Sun, intake Light, intake Energy, freshness, new.
Celebrate, pray for common Enlightment, for Growth, for Forgiveness and Good, for Harmony between Us here on this Planet.
Show Love to Your Friends and family.
The Spirit World is close these days, connect to Your Friends, Teachers and Ancestors, ask them to be with You, in a new Connection. Bless and thank around You.
And get new plans planned, if You so need, in Trust.
In the Rainbow lodge
In the Dark Mother Womb, You are welcome. You are whoever You are small, big, young or old, believer, agnostic, untamed, atheist, shamanist, whatever…
You are You, melting in the Sweet Darkness, in the Sweet Heat, in the Sweet Sweat of us Humans.You are True to Yourself, to Your Heart. You are True to Me, and I am True to You. Naked Hearts do not need hiding, judgement, or criticism.
We unite in Beauty, in Suffering, in Sweat, in Truth, in the closest and essential Circle.
Letter to Ourselves
Spring is here, and if some of us may have trouble finding Miracles in our Lives, or in what is happening in our dear World, let us look around in Nature…..there are Miracles happening everywhere, especially now.
Winter Solstice 2015
In the Dark and Cold Beauty of the Northern Skies, Stars shine extra bright: we contemplate the Beauty of our Celestial Roots. We belong to the Earth, and we belong to the Sky.
In this country, Sun is going to sleep early these days. On the Solstice (21 december), the Wheel turns.
In the tender embrace of Darkness and Winter, the Seed of the Sun start feeding on Light again, and is by that reborn, and so we all can be.
In this moment in Time, we remember all our Relations, the gifts of our Lives, and the gifts in our Lives. May the Wisdom and Clarity of the North enlighten each one of us, and may our Prayers and Dreams convey to a good common goal. May we choose Trust, may we remember Forgiveness, may we keep Peace, Health and Justice in our Hearts, in our Homes, and on our Planet.
Whether we may choose to celebrate together with others or alone this important moment of Change, may we remember and use what we already have, and find what we need to create, each one, our best Life.
Happy new year!
To our Dear Dead
Honouring the Dead on Halloween
Tomorrow night is the 31st october: lately, under the influence of globalization, this Energy moment has been turned into another commercial event. Ghosts, Dead and weird figures are coming together to party, (which is also alright, and…have fun!), but in shamanic and other spiritual traditions, the matter is slightly different.
For what I am concerned, this night is one of the most important of the year, and no joke at all. “Normally” it is a time when I retire from public intercourse, and celebrate alone.
This night, and the following day/days are, in many cultures, dedicated to honouring and reconnecting with our Dead and our Ancestors. Connecting with the Dead is a matter of tradition, wishes (and work to do for some of us).
In Mexico for example, the 1st november is a happy day when the cemetaries are full of visitors coming with flowers, eating and drinking on their Dear Ones’ resting places, sharing with the Dead the Energy of Life, celebrating the “transformation” in a happy and relaxed way. Muertesita, the little skeleton present all over Mexico around this time, lightens the whole concept of Death – I like that 🙂
In Italy, if I remember well, it is not a happy day at all.
I am “working” on the night of the 31st.
I prepare through my sacred practice. I have previously collected fotos and items from my Dead, and put them together in front of me, as a part of a Circle.
I rattle and drum to call, connect to and honour the Dead. Afterward, I listen to their “messages” (if any). Then I send my “messages”, or sing for them.In the end I share “presents” (food, drink, etc.) with them, and put the rest outdoor, with a candle burning the whole night.
It has happend many times that Dead by war and cathastrophes have been appearing to ask for help to be released, (and the first time I got a real chock, they looked like an enormous river!). There, you need all your Helpers, plus Big Mistery, Great Spirit, or whatever you want to call It, to be with you, to try to “help them out” to the next dimension.
I close the ritual, and “release them” so they can “go back”. Disturbing the Dead and the Ancestors, if I have nothing to say or do is unrespectful and inappropiate. I do not bother them, unless necessary 🙂
Wish you a peaceful and beautiful celebration/contact and night.
Autumn Equinox 2015
Autumn Equinox 2015
Who are we, where are we at this point in time? Autumn (around here) speaks of Rains and Winds, of collecting our Fruits, of looking at our Tresures, and of the starting of Change, or Decay. Autumn speaks of Transformation, of Release.
Autumn speaks of the beginning of the Leaves to fall, of the Wet Grasses bending, of the rotten Beings giving Earth its Food back, and of the future Nourishment radiating from what we have gathered.
As we contemplate Nature around us, and the unique Balance of Time between Life and Death, Light and Dark, we may reflect upon what we allow to give ourselves and our Relations.
What/who are we nourishing? What/who could we let go? What/who could we forgive and/or pray for? Are we open for Transformation, are we willing to release the obstacles/challenges/patterns/things/People that do not serve our Life purpose any longer? Are we “humble enough” to “finally” connect to Love and Trust?
It is Reflection time…time to honour, to let go, and to reconnect to the Inner self, time for planning and supporting a “better future” for ourselves and the Earth. Have a good celebration!
At the time of harvest, many fruits go bad, many fruits are good. Perfection resides both in the rotten fruits, and in the healthy ones. Both have a function and a purpose, and both contain Beauty in their own ways. We just “need” to remember to reflect on it.
Sommer solvherv 2015
Maximum Lys, højest Sol på Himlen. Jorden er varm, alle Planter er i fuld udvikling. Sydens og Hjertets Kraft udtrykker sig nu.
Lyset skinner på alting, og viser både stort og småt, smukt og støvet. Vi spejler os og forelsker os i Lyset, i Varme. Vi takker, velsigner og ærer Bedstefar Ild, Solen, Lyset, og tillader deres Kraft at fortælle os, at vise os, at rense og fylde os op. Lad den være en ekstatisk celebration, lad den være et øjeblik af Klarhed og Healing. Lad os huske og ære Bevidsthed i alle Væsner, og sende Healing både til os selv, til alle som har brug for det, til dem som bliver glemt, og dem som styrer vor Verden, sådan at de kan gøre det bedre.:)
Personligt arbejde: ryd op, giv nogle gaver eller donationer, rens dit alter, reflektér over dine “styrker/svagheder” og over de sidste tre måneders udvikling, og skab evt nye mål. Besøg nogen som har brug for Lyset, tag nogle blomster med, og fejr (så meget som muligt) i Glæde. Giv dig selv en gave. Dans og trom for at forbinde dig med Solens Kraft.
Fælles arbejde eller ceremoni: skab et smuk celebration, tænd Ilden, fejr sammen i Overflod, Glæde og Kraft. Del sange, dans, trom, rejs til Lyset, send og modtag Healing, del mad og drikke: det er en fest!
God overgang!
Obs! Husk at ånde!
Vær din bedste Ven
Værdsæt din virkelighed
Forårs Jævndøgn
Miraklernes tid er her nu: Spirerne spirer, på trods den gamle kulde der stadig er her. Mærk, mærk, mærk! Duft de nye dufte, hør de nye fuglesange, mærk det nye Liv genopstå. Fødsel, Genfødsel, er Østens Kraft, og vi har denne Kraft i os selv.
Det er tid til at takke og velsigne Fortid og Nutid, og “skrælle den gamle Hud af”, støv af, støv af, lad gå….
Kontakt Himmel og Jorden, og dine Venner i de andre Dimensioner. Vær åben for Inspirations Kilde at vise dig hvilke din nye Intention skal være, og hvordan du kan “minde dig selv om det” i de næste tre måneder. Bed om det, velsign det, dans til det, syng til det, mediter om det, stol på det, glæd dig til det! Fejr dig selv, Naturen, og del med dine Venner dine nye Visioner, og din nye enthusiasme.
Og, har du plads til det, bed for en NY Fred og forståelse Mennesker i mellem, (og/eller hvad du nu føler er vigtigst for dig), og send gode tanker til os, de andre Relationer (Dyr, Planter, Sten mm), vore Forfædre, og vor Planet.
Denne gang er Jævndøgn tæt på nyMåne, og det er Formørkelse også: det betyder extra Power på, så let’s do a good strong and clean ceremony! Tak. Vi ses (du kan evt læse mere på engelsk under “Inspiration” her på hjemmesiden).
Vær taknemmelig
….Eller forsøg at være taknemmelig: man kan betragte det lige som en leg, hvis det er svært: kig på alt det du har, som du sætter pris på, både på den fysiske (krop, hus, mad, ting, penge mm), den psykiske, den mentale og den spirituelle plan mm.
Det du savner kan du måske få senere…
Nogle andre “ting” har du også: Luften, Solen, Månen, Stjernene, Himlen, Naturen, GRATIS, og ALTID ved dig 🙂
Det er grund til at være (i hvert fald) “en lille smule” taknemmelig
Tilgiv, tilgiv, tilgiv
Tag det ikke personligt!
Lad være med at tage bemærkninger og handlinger fra medmennesker personligt. Alt, hvad en person ytrer, er udtryk for, hvad der sker i vedkommende. Det har intet med dig at gøre.
Ved at forholde sig objektivt til ytringer og handlinger, får du et mere neutralt billede af virkeligheden end når du er følelsesmæssigt involveret.
Indlæg fra Flemming, til diskussion.