Why? asked a Friend in the phone today.
She is a “fan” of my work and my blog , still, she could not fully understand why at times I wrote about (as she called them) “not so positive things” like sickness or error, or “simple-ordinary” ones.
A good question! And it is a while ago since it was asked last.
First, dear Friend, my blog is about ” Life and Shamanism”.
Second, most of the things we go through as Human Beings, silly or heroic as they may look, are all part of our Education and Growth, the whole bunch, and our moving towards ourselves as whole Beings.
I meet People, their Lives and challenges, that is my job, and a blessing. I hear all kinds of stories. No judgement, and no shame! We are Human!
If you look at those “things” from the Shamanic point of view, you may see them (the “not extremely lucky ones”) from a different perspective.
AWARENESS, one of the pillars of Shamanism.
One can learn much about the movements of Nature, Life, one’s own and others’s stories.
TRUTH and HONESTY, two another pillars.
From our Heart comes Truth. Truth can also be painful , if “hidden” or “lied about” it may create more unbalance.
No JUDGEMENT, another pillar.
From our “mistakes” we learn, from being “touched”, from allowing our “movements” to express, we learn.
FOKUS, next one.
From Examining and Listening to ourselves, to Energy, to the Spirit and the Natural World, we learn.
And, no, I do not wish or need to “hide”, nor should You, or anyone.
The point is to inspire, to share, so someone else can maybe learn.
I hope you are satisfied, dear Friend?