Dear Spider, rest by me.
Dear Dragonfly, rest by me.
Dear WaterDrop, rest by me.
Dear Fire Sparkle, rest by me.
Dear Leaf, rest by me.
Dear Deer, rest by me.
Dear Wind, rest by me.
Dear You, rest by me…
Equinox coming up…
Balance between Light and Dark,
Fruits are perfect, Fruits are rotten…
Maybe on the day we should listen to Silence, and not speak.
Maybe on the day we should fast instead of eating.
Maybe on the day we should not listen to other than ourselves,
or listen only to others.
Maybe we should have a day off,
or have fun.
Maybe on that day we should see the Sunset,
and “pray” our own way, for what we feel is needed,
or not pray at all…
Be our World and Lives blessed and respected.
A small dark skinned Lady rushes in the church with incense, a bottle, and a chicken…
A tall proud Man rises his shell to the Skies and blows…
An Untouchable rises his axe to cut the head of the bull for Kali…
In the Jungle the Shaman blows his whistle…
By the Sacred River Lights and Flowers are given to the Waters…
In the Desert a man is praying on his carpet…
In the city the Woman looks at the Skies…
At the hospital on intensive care, the Family is silent…
Oh yes, we all can talk to Big Mistery, and all the Other Ones,
and it is a sign of Humility, and Courage, and maybe Crazyness,
but we ARE allowed, and we all can…
….maybe more of a concept, than a “real thing” for some.
Very good exercise here: put a Stone on anything higher that you, and that can shake, in any position that is not too sure, in an unbalanced balance, and do things right under it.
If you are busy enough, at some point you will forget about the Stone, and if you are really busy, you will forget it completely.
Be very busy right under the Stone, until you come to shake the thing, and the Stone falls on your Head or on your Feet.
Sure after a few “damn!” and maybe some Pain, you will understand what I mean.
You felt better before. Be thankful for yesterday, where the Stone was not there, and that the Stone did not damage you so much, or kill you.
That is clear understanding on Thankfulness.
Usually things could be MUCH WORSE! ๐
People are coming, many….
Tents pop up, many…
Little by little the place is changed. Music starts, Music goes on, loud…
… working, dancing, looking around…
Fires are lit, Fires are burning, we connect, we discharge, we laugh, we talk, we stay, we move, we meet, we flirt, we eat, we drink, we smoke, we dance, we sit…
So many faces, so many Eyes…we are here together to have a Good Time.
At the Sacred Fire, we are quiet, and Fire is happy, and shows us.
Feel like I love You all, see that You (We) all are Beautyful expression of Creation, of Human…
Maybe your Beer, or whatever you took, was good…
Put the head beside for this one moment, no judgement necessary or needed…
Whatever we come from, and what/whoever we are, in here there is Room for us.
We do not need to pretend to be anything, or anyone. Our prayers/songs or words may be simple and true, our Silence will be welcome and respected.
We all care for someone, or something, we all suffer, we all rejoyce, we all are living here and now, this moment, in this place.
Together, with our Breath and our Hearts, and Spirit help, we create the Magic of Humbleness, of Truth, of Unity, through our differences and our beliefs.
It is Another Reality in here, in Peace we are, One Living Cell now.
May our Blessings come through, blessed by the Sun (Fire), Stones (Ancestors), Earth Mother and Father, and may our Prayers fly out in Space and Sky, and find their ways.
Thank You for a wonderful Sweatlodge, a nice little Death, and a good Rebirth.
I see weird, wrong and beautiful things in the World
I meet People and Plants growing
I touch the Earth and my Love’s Hands
I smell the Rain and the new Peppermint Sprouts
I feel Trust is a good way
I feel my Heart is opening more
I hear Birds playing
I see Clouds in motion and the few Drops that came
it basically is a good day
Whether we believe, we choose to believe, or we just do not mind to “give it a try”, it has been “shown” in a few ways that Water does or “seems” to have a memory.
Mr. Emoto’s photos on Water chrystals treated “good” or “bad”and few others experiments done worldwide seem to give us “proof” of another possibility we do have to change our Lives and our World for better.
Therefore we also have another responsability, to do our best for common good, ourselves, the next generations, and the Planet.
I am sure many People are already working on it, in many ways, but why not add to it?
Why not have more Respect for the Water we use everyday, why not bless our Water before we drink it, why not bless the Water inside ourselves, why not put a thought of Love and Healing when we enter our Oceans, why not pray Healing into small Stones and Crystals to release into our larger Waters?
It only costs Awareness, Intent, and a little time.
On the last ceremony I was part of, we all blessed and put our Love, one by one, into the Water taken from a Lake in a vessel, and we released it back to the Lake after. So easy can it be done. How much it works? Who knows, but Love and Healing work always, at least some.
For some of us who love ceremonies, let us do more of them. I INVITE YOU on 11 april (coming FullMoon) to do this again. We will start on Amager fรฆlled, and we will relaease our Water by Islands Brygge coastline.
For you who are “discrete”, or want to “do your thing in your own way” , do it your way.
Anything ย helps!:) And thanks to all who will do.
Ps: let us meet by me in Ballonparken at 19.00, and work outdoor if possible afterwards. Please sign up by text/sms, latest one day in advance. Bring “sacred Water” and small Crystals (if you have), Water to drink, and a bottle (if you wish to have some “blessed Water” back).
Equinoxes symbolize and embody Balance between Light and Dark.
It is a day of reflection on the Balance of our common and individual Life.
It is a day of Change, a day of Creation, a day when Magic and our Prayers manifest easier.
It is a day of Connection to our Spirit helpers, and our Roots and Friends.
Let us be thankful for our Light and our Dark for all Teachings they reveal to us, and for all the help and gifts we get.
Let us Wake up to a fresh Reality with fresh Eyes. Let us release the Past, clean out our ย Dust, forgive, and open a new door.
Be brave, be blessed, be new, be light!
Plant good Dreams,ย Miracle time is here.
Keep up Trust and the good Energy. Blessed be our Equinox!
more (practical) inspiration :
Give yourself some quality time, refresh your Body, Home and Spirit.
Allow Light and Air to touch you, give away old items, be nice to someone, talk to a ย Friend, have a walk in Nature, observe a Flower or a Flame, dance, sing, celebrate.
Lost, gone…
Old skin sticks, movement hard, blocked, forgotten.
Many small and deeper Deaths we must go through.
Once the new skin and the movement is free, we usually forget.
Great is the power of “Lost and Found”, and our million Deaths. ๐
… is Woman’s day.
In the name of development , freedom, equal rights, and more. We know that many of our Sisters are still oppressed, ignored, kept prisoners, and abused.
On this day we remember our Ancestor Mothers, all the Ones who have been fighting for our independency (Women and Men), and thank them all.
We send strong Prayers of Healing for the wounded and suffering Ones (and possibly do some “real action” too).
And we meditate/celebrate together or alone, creating and/or remembering healthy and powerful images of ourselves, and all our dear female Friends.
You are welcome by my Fire on this day (Women and Men).
The Powers of the East and renewal are showing, and new Life reveals itself.
The other day I received a message from a dear friend, a message I found very inspiring, therefore I like to share it with you.
He wrote to me: “Be Spring”.
Let it inspire you too:)
…I found some cards I made, though not yet published. So, once a while, I will write them here, hopefully for inspiration, reflection, and common good…
The message of the day is ALLOW.