Inspiration for Winter Solstice 21/12/2016
The Shortest day of the year. Sharp Winds, crispy mornings, Rain, cold.
The Earth is falling asleep. Growth seems to stop.
Night clear Skies, Stars. By watching the deep Space, we get humble.
Silence, Reflection, selfreflection and Contemplation are some of the Powers of the North.
Like Earth, we withdraw. To reconnect to ourselves, to look within, to consider the lessons learned through the year, to thank for our ownTruth and experiences.
We nurture ourselves and regain Strenght. We share closeness and warmth with our Circles and Friends.
Other thoughts. We (may try to) forgive ourselves and others, pray for others and our Planet, give donations, be gentle to those around, make PEACE with a neighbour or someone we don’t like, clean up a misunderstanding, reconnect with long time no seen Friends, have a great crazy party, share Wisdom and good stories, reflect on and accept diversity, take a social or personal waw, TAKE ONE DAY TOTALLY FREE, clean our Body and Home, release ourselves from burdens (things, connections), honour our Ancestors, be in Silence, work creative, ADMIRE THE NIGHT SKY for more than five minutes, make a Fire outdoor….continue the list, or do what is right for You.
We are together in Spirit with many others in celebration…
Happy New Year!