Autumn Equinox 2015
Autumn Equinox 2015
Who are we, where are we at this point in time? Autumn (around here) speaks of Rains and Winds, of collecting our Fruits, of looking at our Tresures, and of the starting of Change, or Decay. Autumn speaks of Transformation, of Release.
Autumn speaks of the beginning of the Leaves to fall, of the Wet Grasses bending, of the rotten Beings giving Earth its Food back, and of the future Nourishment radiating from what we have gathered.
As we contemplate Nature around us, and the unique Balance of Time between Life and Death, Light and Dark, we may reflect upon what we allow to give ourselves and our Relations.
What/who are we nourishing? What/who could we let go? What/who could we forgive and/or pray for? Are we open for Transformation, are we willing to release the obstacles/challenges/patterns/things/People that do not serve our Life purpose any longer? Are we “humble enough” to “finally” connect to Love and Trust?
It is Reflection time…time to honour, to let go, and to reconnect to the Inner self, time for planning and supporting a “better future” for ourselves and the Earth. Have a good celebration!
At the time of harvest, many fruits go bad, many fruits are good. Perfection resides both in the rotten fruits, and in the healthy ones. Both have a function and a purpose, and both contain Beauty in their own ways. We just “need” to remember to reflect on it.